
政治地理学教材写作的创新与接力——商务版刘云刚译《政治地理学》述评 被引量:6

The ideal and inheritance of writing the college human geography textbooks: A review of the Chinese edition of Political Geography by The Commercial Press
摘要 论述政治地理学在人文地理学中的重要地位和此前中文世界的政治地理学教材建设情况。从教材内容、特点和新意、译著品质、值得改进之处、结论五个方面,对刘云刚所译的《政治地理学》教材进行全面评述。该书是英美政治地理学最经典的教材之一,关注的话题从地缘政治、民族国家、后冷战时期的地缘政治转变、全球化到现在的帝国和恐怖主义,几乎涵盖了西方政治地理研究近五十年来的所有经典话题。该教材特点有六:紧跟时代脉搏,不断更新;从全球到个人多种尺度;一根红线"世界体系理论"贯穿始终;师生两代人密切合作,成为学林佳话和典范;大量使用案例;基于学术研究成果写作,诚实地引证同行著述。 The paper begins with the importance of political geography in human geography and a short introduction to the existing Chinese textbooks on political geography. Political Geography by Colin Flint and Peter J Taylor has been translated into Chinese by Professor Liu Yungang, and published by The Commercial Press. The Chinese edition of the world's famous political geography textbook is reviewed on the contents, characteristics and advantages, quality of translation, and shortcomings and so on. The textbook almost covers all the topics in the last half century such as geopolitics, nation-state, geopolitical transformations after the Cold War, globalization, and the current imperialism and terrorism. The obvious characteristics can be summarized as six points:Continuing retrofitting with the time; many discussing scales from global to local even body scale;all the materials are linked by a red thread, i.e. world system analysis framework; the cooperation between the two generations of political geographers set us a good paradigm; using many worldwide case studies; and it is written based on the research literature and with many full citations.The main translator, Liu Yungang, a famous Chinese political geographer at Sun Yat-sen University, who has a Chinese and a Japan Ph.D, gave me an impression of being diligent and indulged in academics from our first meeting in Beijing in 2005. And from his investment on teaching and research, and the academic output reaches high academic standards and enjoys high reputation in Chinese human geography academia, and was elected vice-president of the Political Geography and Geo-Political Relationship Committee, and director of the Youth Committee, the Geographical Society of China. All these can guarantee the quality of the translation. In the way there are some issues in the current Chinese edition, and should be corrected in the new printing, including the omission of the bibliography and index, wrong translation of several scholars such as Jean Gottmann, and some editorial problems.
作者 汤茂林 TANG Maolin(School of Geographical Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application,N anjing 210023,China)
出处 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期1673-1682,共10页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41071105 41271197)
关键词 《政治地理学》 世界体系分析框架 案例 学术引证 Political Geography world-systems analysis framework case academic citation
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