
智慧课堂教学环境下普通生理学信息化教学改革实践研究 被引量:3

On the Informatization Teaching Reform of General Physiology in the Circumstances of Wisdom Classroom
摘要 "智慧课堂"教学概念的提出为高校课程教学改革带来新的机遇与挑战。针对普通生理学"智慧课堂"建设项目进行的实践研究以2017年教学大赛参赛作品的视角,提出"智慧课堂"内涵应体现于信息化教学载体与智能化教学过程的有机整合。"智慧课堂"应侧重发挥其对学习行为数据采集、分析、决策的功能,实现翻转式、团队竞争式基本教学模式,促进教学评价向多元化、过程化、个性化方向发展。此外,高校智慧课堂建设应强调硬件设施与教学资源建设并重的原则。 The concept of "Wisdom classroom" brings about new opportunities and challenges to the teaching reform of the college curriculum. A practical study on the construction project of "Wisdom classroom" in general physiology starts from the perspective of the entries in the 2017 teaching contest, and puts forward that the connotation of "Wisdom classroom" should be embodied in the organic integration of informatization teaching carriers and the intelligent teaching process. "Wisdom Classroom" should lay emphasis on its functions of data collection, analysis and decision-making of learning behavior, and realize the basic teaching mode of flipping and team competition in order to promote the development of teaching evaluation towards diversification, procedure and individualization. In addition, it is emphasized that both hardware facilities and teaching resources should be paid equal attention to in the construction of wisdom classroom in colleges and universities.
作者 童传旺 曹侃 程旺开 许炜 TONG Chuan-wang1;CAO Kan1;Cheng Wang-kai1;XU Wei2
出处 《芜湖职业技术学院学报》 2018年第3期59-62,共4页 Journal of Wuhu Institute of Technology
基金 安徽省教育厅省级质量工程项目(2016jyxm0382) 安徽省教育厅省级质量工程智慧课堂试点项目(2017zhkt460 2017zhkt464) 安徽省高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目(gxyqZD2016596) 安徽省职业与成人教育学会重点项目(azjxh17013) 皖南医学院质量工程教学研究项目(2016jyxm38) 芜湖职业技术学院优秀中青年骨干教师支持计划项目(2016)
关键词 智慧课堂 普通生理学 信息化教学改革 Wisdom Classroom general physiology informatization teaching reform
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