

Research on RF circuit optimization design of RFID system
摘要 RFID是一种非接触的自动识别技术,其工作原理是通过射频信号进行目标识别,并能快速实现物品追踪和数据切换,并且该项技术可以在各种恶劣环境中使用。基于对RFID系统工作原理的研究,文章进行了RFID系统的射频电路设计,并在此基础上对射频电路进行优化,从而提升RFID系统的性能。 RFID is a non-contact automatic identifcation technology, whose work principle is to identify targets by RF signals, and can quickly realize the object tracking and data switching, and this technology can be used in all kinds of harsh environment. Based on the study of the working principle of RFID system, this paper designs the RF circuit of RFID system, and then optimizes the RF circuit to improve the performance of RFID system.
作者 王烁 Wang Shuo(Tianjin Kechang Huitong Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300000,China)
出处 《无线互联科技》 2018年第19期12-13,共2页 Wireless Internet Technology
关键词 RFID系统 射频电路 电路优化 RFID system RF circuit circuit optimization
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