为了解泰安市城市居民对智慧城市的认知状况,采用问卷调查和实地访谈的方法,在泰安市选取十个典型区域进行问卷调查。调查结果显示:49. 66%的接受调查居民对"智慧城市"听说过,但是不太关注,同时选取与居民生活紧密联系的智慧交通、智慧医疗、智慧社区和智慧旅游方面作为研究重点,结果表明,居民对智慧城市建设的认知度不高。并指出智慧城市建设的改善需要政府、企业和居民的共同努力。
In order to understand the cognitive status of Tai'an city residents in intelligence city,questionnaire survey and field interviews were used to survey the 10 typical areas of Tai'an city. The survey results shows that 49. 66% of surveyed residents for " intelligence city" heard of,but not too concerned about,and,at the same time,it is closely linked to the residents of traffic,medical treatment,wisdom and wisdom tourism,residents' awareness of wisdom city construction and it is not high. This paper systematically analyzes the influence factors of urban residents and points out that the improvement of intelligence city construction requires the joint efforts of government,enterprises and residents.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University(Social Science Edition)