Using financial panel data of 61 countries in 1995-2017 as an overall sample, subdivided into two sub samples of developed countries and developing countries, explores the conduction mechanism for the population age structure to financial assets price on with system generalized method (SYS-GMM). The empirical study shows, firstly, the population age structure is inverted U to the financial assets price; secondly, from the perspective of population structure, individuals in the youth and middle-aged would increase the financial asset; old age, selling for financial asset until they were out of the financial markets; thirdly, from the economy development difference, in developed countries, the age structure of the population and the stock price are inverted U, which will inhibit the growth of bond prices; in developing countries, individuals have a "decline - rise - decline" with financial asset prices, respectively. As the population structure changes to the pattern of old aging, we should deepen the reform of financial management system, according to the individual needs of different life cycle and enrich the financial products innovatively.
LIANG Han-yuan;ZHANG Wei-kun(Cunjin College of Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang 524088,China;Poliey Research Office of People's Government of Baoan,Shenzhen 518100,China)
system seneralized method
population age structure
financial assets prices
conduction mechanism