
中国社会心理服务体系的建设构想 被引量:50

Thoughts on Construction of Public Psychological Services System in China
摘要 社会心理服务体系更准确的名称应是公共心理服务体系,其主要内容包括心理健康服务、社会心态培育、共同体认同建构这三大模块,其主要功能分别为预防和治疗心理疾病、提升全民族的心理健康水平,培育自尊自信、理性平和、积极向上的社会心态,以及塑造中华民族的统一文化认同和人类命运共同体认同。今后应进一步明确社会心理服务的基本公共服务定位,明确社会心理服务体系建设的责任主体,发展中国特色的健康心理学、社会心理学和文化心理学学科,培养社会心理服务亟需的科研与实务人才,创新社会心理服务的供给方式,联合政府、高校、社区和第三方部门等多元力量,建设能够符合中国国情的,专业化、多类型、多层次、可持续的社会心理服务体系。 Abstract A more accurate name for the social psychological service system should be the public psychological service system, which consists of three major modules: psychological health service, social mentality cultivation, and communal identity construction. Psychological health service refers to the use of psychological and medical theories and methods to prevent or reduce various psychological and behavioral problems, to promote mental health, and to improve the quality of life. These mainly include the popularization and education of psychological health, psychological counseling, psychological disease treatment, psychological crisis intervention, etc. The task of social mentality cultivation is to cultivate self-esteem, self- confidence, rationality, composure, and optimism among our people. And the goal of communal identity construction can be divided into two levels: internally, we must fully shape a unified cultural identity of the Chinese nation and enhance cultural confidence to pool the cultural psychological power for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; externally, we must work hard to build a communal identity of human destiny, to provide Chinese wisdom and China's confidence in solving common problems facing human society, and to gradually form China's world-wide influence, charisma, and shaping force. When the contents and objectives of the three major modules of the social psychological service system are clarified, the corresponding system of the disciplines is also faced with the process of reconstruction or creation. The building of the social psychological service system requires the establishment of three basic disciplines with Chinese characteristics, namely the discipline of health psychology, social psychology, and cultural psychology. The establishment of an effective social psychological service system requires a variety of measures. First, in terms of top-level design, it is recommended that national and local health commissions should take the lead and that ministries such as the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and other relevant local departments should participate in the launch of the strategic goals and the overall planning of the social psychological services system. Second, we must vigorously develop a group of relevant disciplines represented by health psychology, social psychology, and cultural psychology with Chinese characteristics, and cultivate research and practical talents related to social psychological services. In this respect, what should be particularly highlighted is research, practice, and talents cultivation in the areas of community psychology, policy psychology, big data, and cyber-psychology. Third, we must strengthen basic research and scientific popularization of social psychology. The Chinese Psychological Society, the Chinese Association of Social Psychology, and the Chinese Association for Mental Health can coordinate to build a specialized force, actively use the big data technology and traditional survey and measurement techniques to form a national social mentality database and a national psychological health database, and then provide data support for the dynamic changes of social mentality and psychological health. Fourth, we must expand horizontal resources and mobilize social forces to participate in the construction of the social psychological services system. A linkage mechanism should be established, with governments at all levels and relevant administrative departments being the lead, professional organizations such as Chinese Psychological Society being the support, and social psychological professionals being the participants. In this way, we hope to build a professional, multi-typed, multi-leveled, and sustainable social psychological services system that can meet China's national conditions.
作者 吕小康 汪新建 Lii Xiaokang;Wang Xinjian(Department of Social Psychology,Nankai University,Tianjin,30035)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期1026-1030,共5页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(15JZD030) 南开大学亚洲研究中心项目(AS1719)的资助
关键词 社会心理服务体系 心理健康服务体系 公共心理服务体系 社会心态 共同体认同 social psychological services system psychological health services system public psychological services system social mentality communal identity
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