
政府话语权威与国际规则的经纬逻辑 被引量:2

The Government Discourse Authority and the Longitude-Latitude Logic of International Rules
摘要 本文以时间为"经"、国别为"纬",分别探讨国际规则和政府话语权威之间的关系:从时间纵坐标考察国家间博弈方式变迁、全球化潮流、信息技术迅猛发展等历时性变化对二者关系的影响;从国家实力横坐标考察其与国际规则制定中政府话语权大小和作用方式的影响。进而讨论不同类型国际规则创制和实施过程中政府话语权的作用方式。历时性看,工业革命后至二战前,国际规则仅为国家博弈的结果。二战后,国际规则参与者愈发多元,国家间依存度趋强,国际规则涉及领域增多,国际规则逐渐成为各国博弈的手段,到21世纪国际规则更成为权力转移下大国之间大规模冲突爆发的缓冲机制。另外,实力有限的发展中国家与国际组织等也拥有了扩大自身话语权的新机遇。国际规则的构建与实施中,强权国家间、非强权国家间、强权国家与非强权国家间、国家政府与其他国际行为体之间的协商模式也更为复杂,因此形成了多种模式、多种形态下的政府话语权作用方式。 This article discusses the relationship between international rules and the govern- ment discourse authority from both the vertical and horizontal aspects. From the vertical axis it examines the influence on the relationship of the two by diachronic changes such as transition of countries' gaming modes, the trend of globalization and the rapid development of information technology. From the horizontal axis, or the national power aspect, the paper studies the influ- ence of the size and the way of the government discourse power in making international rules. Then, it further discusses the way of action of the government discourse power in the process of making and implementing different types of international rules. Diachronically, between the In- dustrial Revolution and the World War II, international rules were only the results of countries" gaming. After the World War II, participants in international rules became pluralistic, interde- pendence among countries went stronger, international rules involved in more fields and gradually became the means of game for countries. Further in the 21st century, international rules have be- come a buffer mechanism of large-scale conflicts among big powers under the power transfer. Be- sides, the developing countries with limited power and international organizations also have new opportunities to expand their discourse power. In the making and implementation of international rules, as the modes of negotiation among big powers, non-power countries, national governments and other international actors have become more complicated, the way of action of government discourse power with multimode and multiform comes into being.
作者 刘小燕 崔远航 Liu Xiaoyan;Cui Yuanhang
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第10期170-182,共13页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目“政府话语权与国际规则之关系研究”(项目编号:14BXW022)的阶段性成果.
关键词 国际规则 政府话语权 经纬逻辑 International Rules Government Discourse Power the Longitude-latitude Logic
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