
基于Maxwell有限元分析的高压输电线路安全距离研究 被引量:3

Research on Safety Distance of High Voltage Transmission Lines Based on Maxwell's Finite Element Analysis
摘要 高压输电线路周围存在着很强的电场,人在其中会产生感生电流,导致不适甚至危及生命,因此确定高压输电线路的安全距离一直受到人们的普遍关注。本文采用Maxwell仿真软件,分别对10kV、35kV、110kV高压输电线路周围电场及人体模型进行有限元分析;生成高压输电线周围电场分布、人体感生电流分布等图形;并进一步对人体在高压电场中位置变化时的感应电压、空间场强变化等数据进行分析,提出安全距离建议。 There is a strong electric field around transmission lines,in which humans can produce induced current that cause discomfort and even life-threatening. Therefore,it is widely concerned about safty distance between people and the high voltage transmission line. In this paper,Maxwell simulation software is used to perform finite element analysis on electric fields and human body models around 10 kV,35 kV and 110 kV high voltage transmission lines,respectively And it generates a series of graphs,which mainly include electric field distribution around the high voltage transmission lines and human induced current distribution. Furthermore,this paper further analyses the induced voltage and the space field intensity of the human body in the variation position of high voltage electric field,and provides a suggestion on safty distance.
作者 魏宏安 吴小清 WEI Hong-an;WU Xiao-qing(College of Physics and Information Engineering,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350116,China)
出处 《电气开关》 2018年第5期86-90,共5页 Electric Switchgear
基金 技术开发项目:SMV测试与遥控响应时间闭环测试技术开发
关键词 MAXWELL 有限元分析 高压电场 人体感生电流 安全距离 Maxwell finite element analysis;high-voltage electric field;human induced current;safety distance
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