
国外职业教育“双师型”教师政策的特点与启示 被引量:5

Characteristics of Vocational Education Policies in Foreign Countries about Double-Professionally-Titled Teachers
摘要 教师专业化是当今世界各国教师教育改革的基本目标,也是各国提高教育质量的重要途径。我国在职教领域首提的"双师型"教师是教师专业化发展的必经阶段,虽然我国职业教育与发达国家在教育外部环境、体系和制度上存在差距,但这些国家严格的教师准入制度、复合型的教师人才定位、多层次的教师专业标准、多元化的教师培养模式、多样性的教师激励机制值得我们学习借鉴。根据我国实际情况,借鉴国外经验,我们可以从规划完整的"双师型"教师职业发展道路、构建完善的"双师型"教师管理制度体系两个角度进行政策调整。 Teachers' specialization is a basic task for teaching innovation in vocational education in the world and it is an important way to enhance educational quality. The double-professionally-titled teachers is firstly presented in vo-cational education of China which is the developmental stage for teachers' specialization in vocational education in Chi-na. The paper holds that the vocational education of China has a gap in comparison with that of foreign developed coun-tries in educational environment, system and institution and their strict teacher access system, teacher orientation of mixed type, teacher professional standard of multiple levels, diversified teacher training model and nmltifarious teacher incentive mechanism in the foreign developed countries are good for us to learn and use for reference. Based on the refer-ence from foreign countries and the developing experience of vocational education in China, we can lay out the develop-ing mute of vocational education of China about the professional development of double-professionally-tiffed teachers and the construction of management system of double-professionally-titled teachers.
作者 胡婷 HU Ting(Party School of Xinjiang Committee of CPC,Urumqi,830000 China)
出处 《新疆职业教育研究》 2018年第2期61-64,共4页 Vocational Education Research in Xinjiang
关键词 职业教育 “双师型”教师 国外教师政策 vocational education double-professionally-titled teachers teacher policies in foreign countries
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