1、可以和读者们分享一下您在学习建筑学方面的经验吗?有没有什么事情给您留下深刻印象? 因为我们俩都在各自的大学教建筑学,所以比较容易回想多年以前自己的学习情况。大学时期是一个探索发现的时期。幸运的是,我们的导师都比较有影响力。是他们激发我们对建筑学的兴趣,帮助并引导我们进行探索。
1. Would you like to share with our readers your experiences in learning architecture? Is there anything that impressed you most?Since we both teach architecture in various universities - we always can reflect to our own learning experience many years ago.Those years were a period of discovery. Luckily, we had some influential tutors that inspired us and helped us to steer our passion for architecture.
World Architecture Review