法国IDF哈比塔特公司新总部,结构上突出灵活性,同时注重环保性能,完美地诠释了其周边环境特征。法国IDF哈比塔特公司主要从事社会住房开发业务。2017年3月,IDF哈比塔特公司公布了其距离巴黎市中心15公里的新办公地址。这个坐落于马恩河畔尚皮尼的公司总部由Piuarch、Stefano Sbarbati和Incet Ingenierie(均为2013年大赛获胜者)主持设计。设计宗旨是打造一座集高效和功能于一体的综合体。最重要的一点是.要成为当地大规模改造计划中不可或缺的—部分。项目将”ZAC des Bords de Marne”建筑的—部分改造成全新的社交、文化、产业中心,与城市形成密切联系,体现出人类对未来的期许,成为当地标志性建筑。
Extreme organizational flexibility, attention to environmental quality and an accurate interpretation of the setting: these were the requirements for the headquarters of IDF Habitat, the French company in charge of the development of social housing operations. In March 2017 IDF Habitat proudly announced its new address, 15 km from the heart of Paris. Designed by Piuarch, Stefano Sbarbati and Incet Ingenierie, the winners of a competition held in 2013, the Champigny-sur-Marne headquarters were inspired by the desire to create an efficient, functional complex, and above all one that stands as an indispensable element in the area's transformation process. The building is in fact part of the so-called "ZAC des Bords de Marne," an ambitious redevelopment program aimed at defining a new social, cultural and productive sector connected with the city, interpreting expectations and generating a system with a strong identity.
World Architecture Review