
济南市大学生无偿献血知识、态度、行为及相关因素分析 被引量:27

Analysis on the knowledge,attitude and practice of voluntary blood donation among college students in Jinan,China and potential influencing factors
摘要 目的了解大学生无偿献血知识、态度、行为及相关影响因素,为建立大学生无偿献血长效机制提供参考。方法设计调查问卷,从济南市10所高校随机抽取2 200名大学生进行现况调查。结果获得有效调查问卷2087份,有效率为94. 86%。无偿献血知识总体知晓率为69. 20%; 80. 88%的大学生有献血意愿;无偿献血率为50. 22%;献血的主要动机是人道主义救助(81. 87%)。男生献血率高于女生(54. 21%vs 46. 38%,P〈0. 05);医学专业学生高于非医学专业(61. 29%vs 41. 62%,P〈0. 05)。家人的支持态度和献血行为是促进大学生献血的积极因素。大学生献血意愿和行为与认知水平正相关,献血率由低认知组的36. 66%上升到高认知组的62. 80%(P〈0. 05)。结论济南市大学生对无偿献血的认知、态度及行为情况较好,改进宣教模式,提高大学生认知水平,有利于无偿献血工作的可持续发展。 Objective To understand the knowledge,attitude and practice of voluntary blood donation and influencing factors among college students,providing a scientific and theoretic basis for a long-term and effective platform of voluntary blood donation for college students. Methods By using a self-designed questionnaire,a cross-sectional study was conducted on 2200 students from 10 universities in Jinan,China. Results A total of 2087 valid questionnaire were collected with a94. 86% efficiency. The overall rate of knowledge awareness on voluntary blood donation was 69. 20%; 80. 88% of college students had the intention to donate blood; the rate of blood donation conduct was 50. 22%; The major motivation of blood donation was humanitarian assistance( 81. 87%). The Males had a higher rate of blood donation than the females( 54. 21%vs 46. 38%,P〈0. 05); students majored in medicine a had higher rate of blood donation than those of non-medicine background( 61. 29% vs 41. 62%,P 0. 05). The supportive attitude and behavior of blood donation from family were positive factors for students to participate in voluntary blood donation. A positive correlation was found between knowledge,attitude and behavior. The rate of blood donation increased from 36. 66% in the lower knowledge group to 62. 80% in the higher knowledge group( P〈0. 05). Conclusion College students in Jinan area are proficient in cognition,attitude and behavior of voluntary blood donation. In order to maintain a long-term practice of voluntary blood donation,it is necessary to improve the model of knowledge promotion and education to achieve further improvement in the cognition of voluntary blood donation.
作者 王淑荣 李蓬 韩京华 杨惠平 朱萍 梁晨 张宇 WANG Shurong;LI Peng;HAN Jinghua;YANG Huiping;ZHU Ping;LIANG Chen;ZHANG Yu(Shandong blood center,Jinan,250014,China)
机构地区 山东省血液中心
出处 《中国输血杂志》 CAS 2018年第7期785-788,共4页 Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
关键词 无偿献血 知识 态度 行为 影响因素 大学生 voluntary blood donation knowledge attitude behavior influencing factors college student.
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