

Design and Implementation of a UHF Reader
摘要 当下大部分UHF读写器结构设计复杂,体积和功耗较大。通过对UHF读写器的硬件架构进行理论分析,设计了一款由分立元件构成的小型超高频读写器系统。系统软件设计通过应用新型四叉树防冲突算法,提高了读写器读取多标签的速率。测试表明,读写器具备响应速度快、读取距离远等特点,满足RFID系统需求。 Most of the current UHF readers are designed complex,and the volume and power consumption are large too. Based on the theoretical analysis of the hardware architecture of UHF reader,a small UHF reader system with discrete components was designed. The software design used a new quad tree anti-collision algorithm to improve the rate of system identification tag. Tests showed that the system had the capacity of fast response and long-distance reading ability. It can meet the needs of RFID systems.
作者 李维锋 王雪亮 LI Wei-feng;WANG Xue-liang(Institute of New Electron Device & Application Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou 310018,China)
出处 《智能物联技术》 2018年第2期45-48,共4页 Technology of Io T& AI
关键词 射频识别 超高频读写器 小型化 防冲撞算法 radio frequency identification UHF reader miniaturization anti-collision algorithm
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