
食品包装用吸湿剂的研究进展 被引量:3

Research progress on moisture absorbent for food packaging
摘要 食品包装用吸湿剂作为食品流通过程中的重要组成部分,在防止食品受潮变质,延长食品保质期,保留食品的口感和风味方面起着关键作用。本文综述了目前在食品中常用的4种包装用吸湿剂,包括生石灰吸湿剂、蒙脱石吸湿剂、硅胶吸湿剂和氯化钙吸湿剂。其中,生石灰吸湿剂吸湿能力与外界空气的湿度高低无关、价栺低廉,但存在安全隐患;蒙脱石吸湿剂空气湿度较低时吸湿能力较强、绿色环保、无毒无味、价栺低廉,但在空气湿度高时吸湿能力下降、吸湿时伴有体积的膨胀;硅胶吸湿剂吸湿性能好、无毒无味、化学性质稳定,但其成本高、吸附大量水后易破裂,且再生温度高,难降解;氯化钙吸湿剂吸湿性能好、价栺低廉,但吸湿后易液解成溶液。此外,还列举了纤维吸湿剂、复合吸湿剂、高吸水树脂吸湿剂和其他新型材料吸湿剂,展开介绍了这些新型吸湿剂的优势和一些食品包装用吸湿剂研究新技术。目前食品包装用吸湿剂研究热点主也要集中在2个方面:高吸湿性能且低成本食品吸湿剂的研収和高环保、低污染、低浪费的生产工艺的研収。 As an important part of the food circulation process, the moisture-absorbing agent for food packaging plays a key role in preventing moisture deterioration of foods, prolonging the shelf life of foods, and preserving the taste and flavor of foods. This paper reviewed 4 types of moisture absorbents commonly used in foods, including quicklime hygroscopic agents, montmorillonite hygroscopic agents, silica gel hygroscopic agents and calcium chloride hygroscopic agents. Among them, the moisture absorption capacity of the quicklime hygroscopic agent has nothing to do with the humidity of the outside air, and the price is low, but there are some safety hazards. The montmorillonite moisture absorbent has a relatively high moisture absorption capacity, it is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and tasteless, and low in price, but when humidity is high in the air, the moisture absorption capacity will be decreased, and it absorbs moisture with volume expansion. The silica gel moisture absorption agent has good moisture absorption performance, non-toxic and tasteless, and chemical stability, but the cost is high, the water is easily broken after adsorbing a large amount of water, the regeneration temperature is high, and it is difficult to degrade. Calcium chloride moisture absorbent has good moisture absorption performance and low price, but it is easy to be dissolved into a solution after moisture absorption. In addition, this paper also listed fiber moisture absorbents, composite moisture absorbents, super absorbent resin moisture absorbents and other new materials moisture absorbents, and introduced the advantages of these new moisture absorbents and some new research techniques of moisture absorbent for food packaging. At present, the research hotspots of moisture absorption for food packaging are mainly concentrated in 2 aspects: Research and development of high moisture absorption and low cost food moisture absorbents and development of high environmental protection, low pollution and low waste production orocesses.
作者 段敏 李强 刘文 李忍 戴岳 刘鹏 林西 DUAN Min;LI Qiang;LIU Wen;LI Ren;DAI Yue;LIU Peng;LIN Xi(Institute of Food and Agriculture Standardization,China National Institute of Standardization,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《食品安全质量检测学报》 CAS 2018年第18期4893-4899,共7页 Journal of Food Safety and Quality
基金 中央基本科研业务费项目(562016Y-4491)~~
关键词 吸湿剂 生石灰 蒙脱石 硅胶 氯化钙 纤维 moisture absorbent quicklime montmorillonite silica gel calcium chloride fiber
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