比较太极、慢跑、正念训练对男大学生状态焦虑水平和特质焦虑水平的作用。为控制性别、教育背景、年龄等变量,被试选自72名江苏在校男大学生。方法:采用4(group)X2(time)混合实验设计,进行为期8周,每周2次,一次60min的干预课程:组1学生进行太极运动;组2学生接受环湖慢跑,组3学生观看体育动漫(对照组),组4学生进行正念训练。用Charles D.Spielberger等人编制的STAI测量其状态焦虑和特质焦虑水平的变化情况。结果:(1)太极组的状态焦虑和特质焦虑后测均比前测有显著降低;(2)慢跑组的状态焦虑后测比前测有显著降低,特质焦虑前后测差异不显著;(3)动漫组的状态焦虑和特质焦虑前后测均无显著差异;(4)正念组的特质焦虑后测比前测有显著降低,状态焦虑前后测差异不显著。结论:(1)对于降低男大学生的状态焦虑,太极和慢跑均有显著效用,且太极效果更佳;(2)对于降低男大学生的特质焦虑,太极和正念训练均有显著效用,且正念训练效果更佳;(3)对于同时降低男大学生的状态焦虑和特质焦虑,太极具有显著的作用。
Comparing the effect of Tai chi, jogging and the mindfulness training to the male college students between their trait anxiety and atate anxiety. 72 male college students of Jiangsu Province are chosen in order to control the effect of gender, educa- tional experience and age on the level of their anxiety. It' s a 4 (group) × 2(time) mixed trail. Subjects are asked to attend a 2 (time) ×8 (week) course which is 60 min at one time. STAI is the measuring method. Groupl, Group2 and 4 is the treatment group while their students are participating different lessons such as Tai chi, jogging around the lake and mindfulness training. Group3 are the control group who are required to watch sports animation. It turns out that the difference between the before and af- ter teat of Tai chi group is significant on both trait and state anxiety; that of jogging group is evident only on state anxiety; and that of mindfulness training is obvious only on trait anxiety; while that of watching animation shows no signification either state anxiety nor trait anxiety. It can be concluded that jogging is good at lowering the state anxiety while mindfulness training plays a benefit role in lowering the trait anxiety. The Point is that Tai chi is the only way to moderating the anxiety from 2 levels of anxiety among those methods.
MAO Xue-then(Department of KinesiologT and Heahh,Olympic College of Nanjing Sports Institute,Nanjing 210000,China)
Journal of Jilin Sport University
male college students
state anxiety
trait anxiety
Tai chi
mindfulness training