
普外科住院患者静脉血栓栓塞症发生风险评估及危险因素分布分析 被引量:6

Risk evaluation and risk factors distribution analysis of venous thromboembolism in hospitalized patients of general surgery department
摘要 目的评估普外科住院患者静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)的发生风险及其危险因素分布情况。方法选择2017年6月至2017年12月医院普外科住院患者373例,依据Caprini静脉血栓形成风险评分量表,分析发生VTE的危险程度及危险因素分布。结果患者平均年龄(48.58±20.40)岁,平均Caprini评分为(3.06±2.29)分,其中低危组(0~1分)92例(24.66%),中危组(2分)84例(22.52%),高危组(3~4分)111例(29.76%),极高危组(≥5分)86例(23.06%)。最常见的可能危险因素依次为年龄(93.57%,349/373)、大手术(28.42%,106/373)、恶性肿瘤(21.98%,82/373)、腹腔镜手术(15.28%,57/373)、心力衰竭(12.87%,48/373),其他常见可能危险因素包括慢性阻塞性肺疾病或严重肺部疾病(9.65%,36/373)、卧床(8.04%,30/373)、深静脉置管(6.70%,25/373)等。结论普外科住院患者存在较高的VTE发生风险,对于合并高龄、手术、肿瘤、心力衰竭等危险因素的患者应高度重视。 Objective To evaluate the risk and the distribution of risk factors of venous thromboembolism(VTE) in hospitalized patients of general surgery department. Methods A total of 373 hospitalized patients of general surgery department from June 2017 to December 2017 in the hospital were selected to analyze the risk and the distribution of risk factors of VTE according to the Caprini venous thrombosis risk scale. Results The average age of the patients was(48.58±20.40), and the average Caprini score was(3.06 ±2.29). Among them, there were 92 cases(24.66%) in the lowrisk group(0~1 point), 84 cases(22.52%) in the middle-risk group(2 points), 111 cases(29.76%) in the high-risk group(3~4 points) and 86 cases(23.06%) in the extremely high-risk group(≥5 points). The most common possible risk factors were age(93.57%, 349/373), major surgery(28.42%, 106/373), malignant tumor(21.98%, 82/373), laparoscopic surgery(15.28%, 57/373) and heart failure(12.87%, 48/373). Other common possible risk factors included chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or severe pulmonary disease(9.65%, 36/373), keep the bed(8.04%, 30/373), deep venous catheterization(6.70%, 25/373), and so on. Conclusion Hospitalized patients of general surgery department have a higher risk of VTE, and it should pay more attention to the patients with risk factors such as order age, surgery, tumor, heart failure and so on.
作者 卢红芳 李小宁 赵江龙 孙佩 祝娟娟 魏美娟 李丹 杨静 LU Hong-fang;LI Xiao-ning;ZHAO Jiang-long;SUN Pei;ZHU Juan-juan;WEI Mei-juan;LI Dan;YANG Jing(General Surgery Department,Baoji People's Hospital,Baoji 721000;Oncology Hospital,the Second Affiliated Hospital ofXi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710004;Internal Medicine-Cardiovascular Department,Baoji Hi-tech People's Hospital,Baoji 721000,China)
出处 《临床医学研究与实践》 2018年第30期103-105,共3页 Clinical Research and Practice
关键词 静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE) 普外科住院患者 危险因素 venous thromboembolism (VTE) hospitalized patients of general surgery department risk factors
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