One of the most hotly debated concepts of current syntactic theory is the notion of construction,which has given rise to a new theoretical paradigm known as Construction Grammar. However, Construction Grammar is not a uniform theory, but subsumes a whole family of theoretical approaches in which constructions are the basic units of grammar. This paper is concerned with a particular variety of Construction Grammar known as "Usage-based Construction Grammar". In this approach, grammar is seen as a dynamic network of emergent structures that are in principle always changing under the influence of general cognitive processes involved in language use. Although the network metaphor of Usage-based Construction Grammar is frequently invoked in the literature, it has not yet been sufficiently described. It is the purpose of this article to elaborate the network model of Usage-based Construction Grammar. Specifically,the paper considers five different types of "links" between constructions and other linguistic elements that constitute the general architecture of grammar in this approach, namely the links between(i) schematic constructions and constructs,(ii)constructions and lexemes,(iii) constructions and syntactic categories,(iv) phrasal constructions and clausal constructions, and( v) between constructions of the same type(e.g.the transitive construction and the passive construction). Combining evidence from a wide range of studies, the paper seeks to develop a more structured approach to the usage-based analysis of grammatical phenomena.
Holger Diessel(Friedrich Schiller University Jena)LI Cong,SHI Chunhong(Beijing Language and Culture University,Beijing 100083 China)
International Journal of Chinese Studies