
翻转课堂在留学生生理学实验教学中的应用探索 被引量:5

Application of Flipped Class in Physiology Experiments for Overseas Students
摘要 翻转课堂是教学流程变革所带来的知识传授提前和知识内化优化,是一种以学生为中心的新兴教学模式。本研究尝试将翻转课堂引入生理学实验课教学,旨在提高留学生实验操作能力,促进留学生理论联系实际。翻转课堂不仅突破实验课时空束缚,将学习时间由课堂延伸到课外,而且将课堂宝贵时间留给学生进行实践训练,从而调动留学生学习积极性和主动性;另外翻转课堂还可以分解知识内化难度,增加知识内化次数,促进留学生生理学实验知识获得。在高等教育国际化进程中,生理学教师应积极探索和改进留学生教学模式,以期对留学生生理学实验课教学改革提供新思路和新方向。 Flipped class is a new teaching mode centered on the students, which subverts the stage of knowledge imparting and internalization of traditional teaching. In order to improve the experimental operation abilityof overseas students and promote the integration of theory with practice, we try to introduce the flipped class teaching method into the teaching of physiological experiment. The flipped class not only breaks through the constraints of the time and space of the experimental class, extends the learning time from the classroom to the extracurricular class, but also leaves the valuable time for the students to carry out practical training, thus mobilizing the enthusiasm and initiative of the students to learn, and the diffculty in the internalization of knowledge can be decomposed, the number of internalization of knowledge can be increased, and the overseas students are promoted. The knowledge of physiological experiment is obtained. In the process of internationalization of higher education, physiological teachers should actively explore and improve the teaching mode of overseas students to provide new ideas and new directions for the teaching reform of physiology experiments for overseas students.
作者 边慧 杨海龙 木丽仙 张筱敏 米鍇 沈艳 边燕 BIAN Hui;YANG Hailong;MU Lixian;ZHANG Xiaomin;MI Kai;SHEN Yan;BIAN Yan(Department of Physiology,Basical Medical School,Kunming Medical University,Kunming Yunnan 650500,China;Department of Oncology,The Second Affliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Kunming Yunnan 650101,China)
出处 《继续医学教育》 2018年第10期71-73,共3页 Continuing Medical Education
基金 云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目(2015Y146) 云南省科技厅-昆明医科大学应用基础研究联合资金项目[2017FE467(-014)] 昆明医科大学教改项目(2016JY-Y-061) 昆明医科大学教改项目(2017JY-Y-009) 昆明医科大学教改项目(2017JY-Y-015) 国家自然科学基金(81760212)
关键词 翻转课堂 生理学实验 留学生 fipped class physiology experiments overseas students
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