
莫西沙星注射液致白细胞、中性粒细胞伴其百分比减少2例 被引量:3

Two cases of leukopenia, neutropenia with lower percentage induced by moxifloxacin injection
摘要 病例1:患者,女性,81岁,因"咳嗽、咳痰10 d"入院,静脉使用莫西沙星注射液(0.4 g,qd,ivgtt)治疗感染,给药前白细胞计数(WBC)6.42×10~9·L^(-1)、中性粒细胞计数(NEUT)3.85×10~9·L^(-1)、中性粒细胞百分比(N%)59.9%,治疗10 d后WBC 2.96×10~9·L^(-1)、NEUT 0.97×10~9·L^(-1)、N%32.82%,未停药,予重组人粒细胞刺激因子注射液对症治疗,5 d后三项指标恢复到正常范围。病例2:患者,女性,42岁,因"咳嗽、咳痰2 d"入院,静脉使用莫西沙星注射液(0.4 g,qd,ivgtt)治疗感染,给药前WBC、NEUT、N%分别为7.73×10~9·L^(-1)、5.06×10~9·L^(-1)、65.4%,治疗8 d后WBC 3.94×10~9·L^(-1)、NEUT 1.27×10~9·L^(-1)、N%32.22%。立即停用莫西沙星,3 d后三项指标恢复到正常范围。临床药师从药品不良反应发生的关联性、药物作用机制等方面分析引起WBC、NEUT、N%同时降低可能是由莫西沙星所致。 Case 1: A 81-year-old female patient was admitted to hospital because of cough, expectoration for ten days. Lab test showed that the white blood cell count (WBC) was 6.42 × 10^9·L^-1, the neutrophilic granulocyte count (NEUT) was 3.85 × 10^9·L^-1 and the neutrophil percentage (N%) was 59.9%. And then moxifoxacin injection (0.4 g, qd) were intravenously given to the patient. Ten days later, blood routine test showed WBC was 2.96 × 10^9·L^-1, NEUT was 0.97 × 10^9·L^-1 and N% was 32.82%. Recombinant human granulocyte stimulating factor injection was given to her immediately without discounting moxifoxacin. After 5 days, WBC, NEUT and N% returned to the normal range. Case 2: A 42-year-old female patient was admitted to hospital because of cough and expectoration for two days. Lab test showed that WBC was 7.73 × 10^9·L^-1, NEUT was 5.06 × 10^9·L^-1 and N% was 65.4%. Eight days after being treated with moxifoxacin injection (0.4 g, qd, ivgtt), her blood routine test showed that WBC was 3.94 × 10^9·L^-1, NEUT was 1.27 × 10^9·L^-1 and N% was 32.22%. Moxifoxacin was stopped immediately. Three days later, WBC, NEUT and N% returned to the normal range. Leukopenia and neutropenia induced by moxifoxacin was considered by clinical pharmacists according to analysis on ADR revelance evaluation and drug action.
作者 马静 葛明坤 MA Jing;GE Ming-kun(Dachang Hospital of Nanjing,Nanjing 210044,China)
机构地区 南京市大厂医院
出处 《中国药物应用与监测》 CAS 2018年第5期311-313,共3页 Chinese Journal of Drug Application and Monitoring
基金 江苏省药学会-奥赛康医院药学基金项目(A201626) 南京市药学会-常州四药医院药学科研项目(2015YX015)
关键词 莫西沙星注射液 白细胞减少 中性粒细胞减少 中性粒细胞百分比减少 药品不良反应 Moxifoxacin injection Leukopenia Neutropenia Decreased of neutrophil percentage Adverse drug reaction
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