挖掘并使用专利中所蕴含的创新方法是推动创新向前发展的不竭动力,为挖掘专利的发明原理及技术信息,该文将先进的TRIZ理论应用于专利分析中,借助Java Web开发技术搭建了基于TRIZ的专利标引系统。该系统不仅可以为TRIZ学习者提供一个检验学习情况平台,还可挖掘专利中蕴含的创新原理及技术信息,同时也为用户提供了一个专利检索平台。使用该系统,用户可轻松对专利进行技术分类,还可方便地查阅下载所需专利。
Finding out and using the Innovation method contained in the patents is the inexhaustible power to promote the develop-ment of the innovation.In order to mining the invention principle and the technical information of the patent,the advanced TRIZtheory is applied to the patent analysis,and the patent indexing system based on the TRIZ is built with the help of the Java Web de-velopment technology.The system can not only provide a platform for TRIZ learners to test the learning situation,but also excavatethe innovation principle and technical information contained in the patent,and also provide a patent retrieval platform for the users.With this system,users can easily classify the patents and check the patents and download needed for.
QIN Xiao-mei (Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056038, China)
Computer Knowledge and Technology