为了有效阻止岩屑等固态物质进入冲击器内腔,降低冲击器的卡滞、冲击无力等故障率,提高钻井效率,我们设计了带逆止密封装置的钎头,即在冲击器钎头排气通道内加装一个鸭嘴型全橡胶逆止阀。通过采用ANSYS Mechanical软件,运用有限元方法,对鸭嘴型全橡胶逆止阀进行流通性能分析。不但分析了逆止阀的两种不同结构在正向通气工况下的结构强度和流通面积,而且分析了反向水压工况下的结构强度、密封性等性能参数。结果表明,鸭嘴型全橡胶逆止阀两种不同结构的流通面积、逆止密封性能及应力均达到了设计要求。
In order to effectively prevent debris and other solid substances from entering the cavity of the down-hole hammer, to reduce the failure rate of down-hole hammer and improve the drilling efficiency, we designed a drill with a reverse sealing device. We add a duckbill type rubber check valve in the exhaust passage of the drill bit. In this pa- per, ANSYS Mechanical software was used to analyze the flow performance of the duckbill type rubber check valve with the finite element method. The structure strength and circulation area of two different structures of t duckbill type rubber check valve are analyzed under the conditions of forward ventilation and reverse water pressure. The re- suits show that the circulation area and reverse sealing performance and stress of the two different structures have reached the designed requirements.
Chen Xianzhan;Ma Yu;Wang Yongfang
Equipment for Geophysical Prospecting