Source: USGS1.Domestic Production and UseRare earths were not mined previously mined as a primary domestically in 2017. Bastnaesite, a rare-earth fluorocarbonate mineral, was product at Mountain Pass, CA, which was put on careand-maintenance status in the fourth quarter of 2015. The estimated value of rare-earth compounds and metals imported by the United States in 2017 was $150 million, a significant increase from $118 million imported in 2016. The estimated distribution of rare earths by end use was as follows: catalysts, 55%; ceramics and glass, 15%; metallurgical applications and alloys, 10%; polishing, 5%; and other, 15%.
[Data in metric tons of rare-earth oxide(REO)equivalent content unless otherwise noted]Source:USGS1.Domestic Production and Use Rare earths were not mined domestically in 2017.Bastnaesite,a rare-earth fluorocarbonate mineral,was previously mined as a primary product at Mountain Pass,CA,which was put on careand-maintenance status in the fourth quarter of 2015.The estimated value of rare-earth compounds and metals imported by