
双向全桥DC/DC变换器两种优化控制对比分析 被引量:6

Comparison and Analysis of Two Optimized Control of Bi-directional Full-bridge DC/DC Converters
摘要 介绍了双向全桥DC/DC变换器采用单移相(SPS)、双重移相(DPS)控制的工作原理,建立了输出功率、回流功率及电感电流应力的数学模型,对比分析了优化回流功率及优化电感电流应力控制策略,说明了优化回流功率控制下的回流功率优于优化电感电流应力下的回流功率,优化电感电流应力控制下的电感电流应力优于优化回流功率控制下的电感电流应力。搭建了实验样机,对理论分析进行了验证,将两种优化控制策略进行了对比。实验结果验证了两种优化控制策略的有效性与可行性。 The operation principles of the single-phase-shifting ( SPS ) control and the dual-phase-shifting ( DPS ) control are introduced.And the mathematical models of transmission power, backflow power and the inductor current stress are established.The backflow power optimized strategy and the inductor current stress optimized strategy are compared and analyzed.It is better to optimize the backflow power under the control of the optimal backflow power, and the inductor current stress under the control of the inductor current stress is better than the inductive current stress under the optimal backflow power control.A prototype is built to validate the theoretical analysis and the two optimal control strategies are compared.The effectiveness and feasibility of the two proposed control strategy are demonstrated by experimental results.
作者 张勋 杨旭 孔祥征 ZHANG Xun;YANG Xu;KONG Xiang-zheng(Langfang Power Supply Company,Langfang 065000,China)
机构地区 廊坊供电公司
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期46-49,54,共5页 Power Electronics
关键词 变换器 移相控制 回流功率 电流应力 最优控制 converter phase-shifting control backflow power current stress optimal control
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