Based on the asset shortage C -I index, this paper constructs the SAR index, which is the proportion of security assets in the overall financial assets. Based on the data from the first quarter of 2001 to the third quarter of 2016, the C -I index and the SAR index were used to meas- ure the degree of China' s asset shortage and the trend of the proportion of safe assets. The two inde- xes were analyzed by cointegration test and VEC model respectively. Long - term influencing factors and short -term influencing factors. The results show that: (1) China' s security asset shortage continues to increase. (2) In the long run, the decline in interbank lending rate will worsen asset shortages and shortage of security assets; asset shortages and shortage of security assets will lead to overheating of the real estate industry; The increase in development level and real interest rate will alle- viate the asset shortage, but it will lead to a decline in the proportion of safe assets. (3) In the short term, the short -term impact of the real estate sentiment index and real interest rate on the C -I index is opposite to the long -term impact, the degree of financial development and the short - term impact of interbank lending rate on C - I index is only opposite to long- term impact in the case of lagging one phase; the short -term impact of real estate sentiment index and interbank lending rate on SAR index is opposite to long - term impact.