
地方“两院”规范性文件备案审查的困局及纾解——以法律效力为中心的制度建构 被引量:15

Predicaments of Recording and Reviewing Normative Documents of Local Courts or Procuratorates and the Solution:System Establishment Centered on Legal Effect
摘要 将地方"两院"规范性文件纳入备案审查范围是实现"备案审查全覆盖"的最后工程,对实现国家法制统一、保障公民权利具有重要意义。目前,有关各方对地方"两院"规范性文件的性质和功能认识不一致,由此导致同级人大对地方"两院"的规范性文件能否备案审查、审查的范围有多大、审查的方式如何以及怎样使之与现有的法制兼容等问题,无法得到有效回答,进而陷入制度与理论困局。必须以法律效力理论为分析工具,解决"规范性文件是否有法律效力和它是否接受备案审查互为因果关系"所形成的监督难题,消除因地方"两院"规范性文件法律效力不明而产生的备案审查进退失据的状态,以法理的逻辑和比较法的视野,探索纾解困局的路径。如果将地方"两院"规范性文件视作无法律效力的规范性文件,并将人大对地方"两院"规范性文件备案审查视为无法律效力的监督行为,所有难题都将迎刃而解。这具体体现为在现有法治框架下,转变观念和思路,并在借鉴域外相关作法的基础上,对有关制度进行局部调整和系统设计,从而形成与现有的备案审查方式既有共性又有差异的监督模式。 The inclusion of normative documents of local courts or procuratorates into the recording and reviewing scope is a final project for achieving the "full coverage of being recorded and reviewed", which is of important significance in realizing national unification of legal system and protecting citizens' rights. At present, relevant parties' understandings on the nature and functions of the normative document of local courts or procuratorates are not the same, leading to the failure of the local people' s congress at the corresponding level to answer questions such as whether the normative document of local courts or procuratorates can be recorded and reviewed, what the scope of review is, how to conduct the review and how to make it be compatible with cmTent legal system, and thus encountering systematic and theoretical predicaments. The theocy of legal effect shall be taken as the analytical tool to solve the difficulty in supervision formed by the reciprocal causation between whether a nomlative document has legal effect and whether it is recorded and reviewed, break through the dilemma in recording and reviewing due to unclear legal effect of normative documents of local courts or procuratorates, and seek a path to solve the predicaments with the jurisprudential logic and from the perspective of comparative law. We finally conclude that if normative documents of local courts or procuratorates are regarded as having no legal effect and the recording and reviewing of normative documents of local courts or procuratorates by people' s congress are regarded as a supervisory behavior without legal effect, all predicaments will be resolved. This is specifically reflected as the transformtion of ideas and train of thought under the cmTent framework of rule of law, making partial adjustment and systematic design for relevant systems on basis of taking lessons from relevant practices of foreign countries, thus rotating a mode of supervision which enjoys both similarities and differences with cmTent recording and reviewing modes.
作者 姚魏 Yao Wei
出处 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第11期73-87,共15页 Political Science and Law
关键词 司法机关 规范性文件 备案审查 法律效力 Judicial Organs Normative Documents Recording and Reviewing Legal Effect
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