文章根据功能安全标准ISO 26262,结合混合动力汽车特殊的系统结构,提出了一种混合动力汽车电驱动系统的功能安全设计概念。主要涉及相关项定义、危害分析和风险评估以及功能安全概念3个方面的内容,解决了定义混合动力汽车电驱动系统的相关项,对电驱动系统进行危害分析和风险评估得出安全目标,并由安全目标细化出安全概念等关键问题。
A kind of hybrid vehicle electrical propulsion system functional safety concept design based on ISO 26262 is discussed in this paper. Designing according to standard process includes item definition, hazard analysis and risk assessment and functional safety concept. It solves the related items that define the hybrid electric vehicle electrical propulsion system and risk assessment of the system to obtain the safety goal, and refines conducts the hazard analysis the key issues like the safety.
Shanghai Auto