As contemporary capitalist crisis is mainly presented in the form of financial crisis,Minsky's analytical framework has become popular in academia. A representative view argues that the current crisis is rooted in the financial sector rather than real economy and it is more of a Minsky crisis than a Marxian crisis. There-fore,the best financial analysis of capitalism comes from Minsky,not Marx. Minsky's theory,however,has obvious defects due to its one-sided understanding of crisis and invalid interpretation of stagnation-financialization. Therefore,integrating Marx and Minsky to construct a comprehensive capitalist crisis theory has also become an academic inclination. This long-term effort of eclectic integration has not yielded substantial results due to the fundamental differences in methodology,theoretical system,and class positions in Marx and Minsky. Clarifying the relationship between Marx and Minsky will help us to recognize the contradictions and crises of contemporary capitalism and on that basis better develop and adhere to Marxism.
Studies on Marxism