
霍克海默总体性思想研究——基于“启蒙辩证法”中批判理论之视角 被引量:1

Research on the Totality's Thought of Horkheimer:Based on the Perspective of Critical Theory of “The Dialectic of Enlightenment”
摘要 自卢卡奇开始,总体性成为西方马克思主义思潮所普遍使用的一个原则。霍克海默秉承此原则,方法论上强调在社会历史的动态进程里用总体或整体方式来理解现实,在异化问题上将总体性与资本主义制度联系起来思考。与其他思想家不同的是,他将总体性视为一种控制性意义上的批判性,无论是对启蒙的批判,还是对技术理性的批判等,都源于它们发挥一种总体性的控制作用,将启蒙与技术理性等带入到了"自我毁灭"中,否定性的价值内核介入到总体性思考中,总体性成为一种批判性意义上的否定性,应对其展开批判。在霍克海默那里,总体性不仅是理解与思考现实的方法,同时也是其批判与反对的对象。通过对霍克海默总体性思想的研究,有助于我们理解其批判思想的方法论特征与理论倾向。 Beginning with Lukacs, the totality became a common principle which inherited by Horkheimer in Western Marxist thought. Horkheimer emphasizes the total or holistic approach to understanding reality in the dynamic process of social history on methodology, and we should think about the relationship between totality and capitalism' s system on the issue of alienation. Unlike other thinkers, he takes totality regard as a criticalness of controlling meaning, whether it is the criticism of the enlightenment, or the criticism of the technical reason, etc. , are derived from playing a kind of total control effect on the society, and this total control force brings enlightenment and technical reason into "self- destruction". It is based on this, value kernel of negativity was involved in the totality' s thinking, and the totality becomes a kind of critical negativity. In this way, the totality should be criticized. The totality is not only a way of understanding and thinking about reality, but also an object of criticism and objection in Horkheimer. Through the study of Horkheimer' s totality, which helps us to understand the methodological features and theoretical tendencies of his critical thinking.
作者 刘宽红 LIU Kuan-hong(School of Marxism,Bcijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China)
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第10期64-69,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社科基金项目"当代文化哲学的基本理论模式研究"(16BZX075) 北京社科基金项目"北京生态安全与生态文明建设研究"(13ZXB005)
关键词 霍克海默 总体性 批判性 否定性 启蒙 技术理性 Horkheimer totality criticalness negativity enlightenment technical reason
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