

Different dose of misoprostol in the application of Induction of full-term pregnancy
摘要 目的分析不同剂量米索在足月妊娠引产中的使用情况。方法筛选了七院2015年10月-2017年10月在自治区第五人民医院分娩的产妇169例。随机分为二组:米索Ⅰ组85例,米索Ⅱ组84例。均将米索前列醇放置阴道后穹隆8 h一次,直到临产。Ⅰ组放1/8米索前列醇片,Ⅱ组放1/4米索前列醇片。对比两组孕妇用药前后的各项指标的变化及不良反应。结果在用药前后的各项指标上,米索前列醇各组之间比较无明显差异(P> 0.05)。在分娩效果上,各组比较无明显差异(P>0.05),在产生不良反应上各组比较差异有显著性(P <0.05)。结论足月妊娠使用25 ug米索前列醇引产效果肯定。 Objective To analyze about the use of different doses of misoprostol in term pregnancy induced labor. Methods 169 cases of full-term women from October 2015 to October 2017 hospitalized in the fifth people's hospital were selected.All subjects were divided into two groups:misoprostol group Ⅰ,misoprostol group Ⅱ. 85 cases in misoprostol group Ⅰ were placed 25 ug misoprostol in vaginal fornix. 84 cases patients in misoprostol group Ⅱ were placed 50 ug misoprostol in vaginal fornix. All cases were all treated once in eight hours. The change of each index between two groups before and after medication and adverse reactions were compared. Results On the indicators before and after medication, it was no differences between misoprostol group Ⅰ and misoprostol group Ⅱ(P〉0.05). On the effect of childbirth, each group was no significant difference(P〉0.05). On the adverse reaction there was significant difference between two groups(P〈0.05). Conclusion 25 ug misoprostol for Full-term pregnancy induced labor has positive effect.
作者 朱津保 倪俏 ZHU Jinbao;NI Qiao(Gynaeeology of obstetrics department,the fifth people's hospital of Xinjiang uygur autonomous region,Urumqi,Xinjiang,830026,China)
出处 《新疆医学》 2018年第7期730-731,734,共3页 Xinjiang Medical Journal
关键词 米索前列醇 剂量 引产 Misoprostol Dose Induced labor
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