
光绪石印本《西藏通览》研究 被引量:2

A study on the Lithographic Print of "A General Survey of Tibet " from the Guangxu's Period of the Qing Dynasty
摘要 《西藏通览》是由晚清留日归国知识分子和地方教育机构共同翻译印行的一部有关西藏的方志,其编撰时间、转译回国的时间与当时的时代背景、社会环境之间的特殊关系值得我们思考。文章通过解析《西藏通览》认为,它以现代编纂体例突破了旧有体式,增设现代类目并对传统方志类目进行删减,体现了方志编纂在特定时代背景和西学思潮影响下所做出的自我调整,展现了传统方志向新体方志的过渡形态;其中所保留的晚清时期西藏自然、地理、人文、风物等信息和英、法等国在西藏地区活动的记载,为研究清末区域史、民族史和治边史等方面提供了资料。同时,从《西藏通览》"中国—日本—中国"的转译过程中可以看出我国近代翻译史和思想史的变迁。 "A General Survey of Tibet", a Tibetan local chronicles, was jointly translated and published by some intellectu- als returned after their study in Japan with local educational institution during the late Qing Dynasty. Through an analysis of the book, the author thinks it is worthy of our consideration on the special relations between the book's compiling and translating time, its historical background and social environment. The local chronicles applies modern compiling system instead of the old one with addition of modern categories and deletion of traditional ones, which represents the self adjust- ment made in the compilation of local chronicles under the specific historical background and the influence of Western learning, and also shows local chronicles' transition from traditional ones to modern ones. The records of the Tibetan na- ture, geography, humanities and scenery and the records of the activities of Britain and France in the Tibetan areas in the late Qing Dynasty in this local chronicles provide much information for the study of the regional history, minority nations' history and the history of border-ruling of in the late Qing Dynasty. At the same time, we can see from the translation pro- cess of the local chronicles the changes in the Chinese modern translation history and thought history during the end of the 19th century to the beginning of 20th century.
作者 王丹 WANG Dan(Institute of Ancient Books,Wuhan University,Wuhan,Hubei 43007)
机构地区 武汉大学古籍所
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第3期53-58,91,共7页 Journal of Tibet University
基金 2018年度国家民委民族研究青年项目"民国涉藏报刊游记整理与研究"阶段性成果 项目号:2018-GMC-037
关键词 石印本 新体方志 晚清边治 社会危机 西学思潮 lithographic print local chronicles with modern compiling system the border-ruling in the late Qing Dynasty social crisis the trend of Western learning
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