
社会企业组织在台湾地区的发展 被引量:5

Social Enterprise Development in Taiwan
摘要 本文论述的主题是"社会企业组织在台湾的发展",横跨的时间范围是从1980年代末期迄今约莫二十年,这段时间是台湾社会变动最迅速的时期,各式各样的志愿性非营利组织是在这种环境之下日趋增多与成长。台湾的 NPO 中有着相当数量的组织在实践其社会公益目标之际,也不断朝向市场化与产业化的方向发展,因此所谓的"社会企业"(social enterprises),在台湾不但在概念上有可对应之处,在实体的操作面上也有具体的物像存在。本论文分为三部分,首先对于台湾社会企业的发展做出综览,这部分,作者讨论的是:社会企业在台湾究竟指涉为何与如何定义、台湾 NPO 部门在近二十年来的发展,以及说明 NPO社会企业在台湾兴起的主要因素。第二部分,作者认为台湾的社会企业大致上可分为五种类型,分别就各类型社会企业的特征、作用以及组织实例加以说明。第三部分是本文的焦点,即政府在社会企业的发展上扮演了哪些角色,产生了哪些功能。最后,本文的结论强调,NPO 要经营社会企业,不只是在经费上能够获得外界的奥援,其实相关的知识技术之引进、专业人力的维系与产品质量的坚持,以及管理能力的养成,皆是社会企业成功的重要因素。 The topic of this paper is the development of social entrepreneurship in Taiwan since the late 1980's,which represents a period of twenty years.This is a period of rapid social changes in Taiwan,in terms of the transformation of the political environment, economic situation,population structure and social needs.Under this environment,a variety of nonprofit organizations ( NPO ) emerged and developed.The growing competition for resource between NPOs, as well as the incentives offered by various pubhc pohcies promoting the role of these organizations in assisting the government for the implementation of policies to address unemployment or other social issues has led many organizations over the past ten years to thread the paths of commercialization and greater market orientation.As such, the concept of social entrepreneurship (SE) has found an echo in Taiwan and concrete examples of social enterprises can be found. This paper is divided into three parts.In a first section surveying the development of SE in Taiwan,the author discusses issues of definition of SE in Taiwan,the development of Taiwan's NPO sector over the past twenty years,and the main factors behind the emergence of SE in Taiwan.In the second part of this paper,the author argues that social enterprises in Taiwan fall into five categories:1)work integration or affirmative businesses;2)local community development organizations; 3)social enterprises providing social services and products;4)venture capital business created for the benefits of NPOs;5)social cooperatives.The third and most important section of this paper examines the role played by government in the development of SE.The author stresses that in Taiwan,the government offers advantages to social enterprises of NPOs : 1)provide human resource support;2)offer material assistance and service sale assistance;3)provide leases on land and special rights on buildings;4)political figures help promote the products and services of social enterprises.The involvement of government also brings certain disadvantages to social enterprises of NPOs:1)NPO over reLiance on government funding;2)unclear regulations for the status of sheltered workshops.
作者 官有垣
出处 《中国非营利评论》 2007年第1期146-181,共36页 China Nonprofit Review
关键词 社会企业 非营利部门 积极性就业促进的社会事业 工作整合 Social Enterprise Nonprofit Sector Affirmative Businesses Work Integration
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