
潮瓷下南洋:19世纪以来潮瓷与东南亚潮人陶瓷业 被引量:1

The Influence of Chaozhou Kiln on Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian Ceramic Industry
摘要 潮州地处沿海,与东南亚关系密切。民众驾舟下海为常事,潮州俗语云"八月东风下南洋,五月南洋回家乡"。潮州至南洋依赖季风,每年往来一至两趟。近代潮人移居东南亚,依旧保持家乡生活习俗,使用陶瓷枕头,陶瓷盘、碗,陶瓷水缸等,因而潮瓷在南洋一带相当有市场,是促进潮州窑业发展的重要海外因素。 field work,oral historical sources,as well Based on the the author’s as other data from local Chaozhou townsmen associations and porcelain associations,this paper examines the relationship and and evolution Chaozhou of the ceramic of Singapore,Malaysia,Thailand industry and between in respect trade production.In trading,modern respect of and contemporary Chaozhou ceramic such exportation had expanded from Chaozhou to the emerging which harbor cities as the Shantou,Hong transit Kong,and center Singapore,among China-Southeast Singapore The had become trade of Asia right trade.Singapore agency Porcelain Chamber ceramics of via Commerce the had obtained the of regional of Chaozhou opening-up,ceramic Canton home Fair.After China’s reform and business under both at and abroad have reached higher level of mutual influence he effect terms of economic globalization.production,the the In of production technology of modern Chaozhou kiln had influenced production and development of the the ceramic industries in of of Singapore,Malaysia Chaozhou Thailand,contributing and to success of a group purpose the 1960s,with emigrants-run-ceramic enterprises.After the culture,these the adapting imported to the market competition equipment and developing technology native under enterprises support,advanced and local policy which resulted in the combining features of local feature and international fashion in the products.
作者 李炳炎
出处 《海洋史研究》 CSSCI 2017年第2期32-53,共22页 Studies of Maritime History
关键词 陶瓷业 东南亚 生活习俗 潮州 陶瓷盘 Modern and Contemporary Export and Technology of Chaozhou Kiln Ceramic Industry in Singapore Malaysia and Thailand
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