
Introduction to Special Column “Chinese as a Second Language Learning and Teaching” 被引量:2

摘要 Chinese as a second language (CSL) policy makers and scholars began to introduce task-based language teaching (TBLT) to CSL teaching more than a decade ago. However, policy innovations or theoretical precepts are not necessarily the blueprints of teachers' classroom practice. It is assumed that teachers are more likely to accept or apply the new approach if the new philosophy is concordant with their existing beliefs. This study attempts to examine the prospect of TBLT application in CSL teaching by exploring the extent to which TBLT philosophy has found its way into CSL teachers' beliefs. The research also probes into teachers' practices to explore whether their beliefs in TBLT could be actualized. A questionnaire, classroom observations and interviews have been employed. The results indicate that the Chinese teachers have strong faith in the effectiveness of TBLT, but they doubt its feasibility. Their difficulties and confusion in realizing their beliefs in practice, in turn, lead to their faith in TBLT philosophy having a peripheral status in their belief system. This may imply the bi-directional causal relationships between teachers' beliefs and practices. The factors revealed make clear the responsibilities or measures to be taken at social-cultural, institutional and internal levels. The findings generate empirical insights into implementations of pedagogical innovations. 汉语作为二语教育领域的政策制定者及学者约十多年前开始引介任务型语言教学。然而,政策或理论革新未必在教师课堂实践中得以体现。通常而言,如果新的教学理念与教师所持有信念相符,则更易于被教师接受和实施。为了进一步了解任务型语言教学在汉语作为二语教学中的应用前景,本研究从教师角度探究了任务型语言教学在多大程度上符合教师现有的教学信念。同时,研究还分析了教师课堂实践在多大程度上践行了其教学信念。通过问卷、课堂观察和访谈发现汉语教师对任务型语言教学的有效性持有积极信念,但对于其在当下教学情境中的可行性存有质疑。此外,教师表明在信念转化实践过程中面临着各种困难和疑虑,这反过来导致其对任务型语言教学的信念倾向尚处在其信念系统的外围。这一发现证实了教师信念和实践之间的双向影响关系。所归纳的影响因素从社会文化、教学机构及教师自身等角度为未来提供了具体改进方向,对于如何促进教学革新的实施落实亦具有一定的启示意义。
作者 Yumei ZHANG Shaoqian Luo 张玉美;罗少茜(北京师范大学外国语言文学学院)
出处 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2018年第3期264-287,396,共25页 中国应用语言学(英文)
关键词 task-based language teaching Chinese as a second language teachers" beliefs teachers" practices 教师 语言 教室 惯例 汉语 CSL 调查结果 制造者
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