精彩导读 生命中的最大恩赐是什么?是名声、爱情、财富、快乐,还是死亡?马克·吐温把自己对生命、价值、选择的思考依托一个生动的寓言故事表述出来。没有过多铺叙,没有复杂的矛盾冲突,却使每一个故事的走向都出乎意料。故事中的主人公体验了许多昙花一现的美好,他的结局又怎样呢?让我们跟着作者的笔尖一起拨开物质生活的面纱,发掘生命的真谛吧。
In the morning of life came a good fairy with her basket, and said, "Here are gifts.Take one, leave the others. Choose wisely! For only one of them is valuable." The gifts were five: Fame, Love, Riches, Pleasure and Death.The youth, said eagerly, "There is no need to consider." And he chose Pleasure.