目的:运用Nike Training核心肌群力量训练对健美操初学者进行核心力量的训练,探讨其对健美操初学者平衡能力的影响。研究方法:选取24名未接触过健美操的女大学生为实验对象,随机分为2组,对照组12人,实验组12人,每周1、3、5进行30—40分钟的健美操学习,实验组在结束后进行Nike Training核心肌群力量训练,在0周、4周、8周时分别对两组学习者进行平板支撑和睁、闭眼燕式平衡测试。实验结果:(1)Nike Training核心肌群力量训练对健美操初学者平衡能力较对照组有很大程度的提高;(2)经过8周的常规健美操训练,学习者的平板支撑能力、睁、闭眼燕式平衡能力都有增加,但增加幅度小;在学习后进行Nike Training核心肌群力量训练,学习者的平板支撑能力,睁、闭眼燕式平衡能力都有大幅度的提高。建议:(1)在健美操训练中教师可以用动静结合的方式提高运动员的平衡能力;(2)在健美操学习中,平衡能力的大幅度提高需要经过长时间的干预才能达到良好的效果;(3)教师在常规健美操学习结束部分可适当增加核心肌群力量训练,能够在相对较短的时间内提高学生的核心控制力和平衡性;(4)训练设计前,应该对受试者进行有针对性的监测,做好训练前后各指标数据的统计表,能够更好的发现训练中存在的问题。
Objective: To explore the influence of the core strength training on the balance ability of the aerobics beginners by using the core muscle group strength training in Training Nike software. Research methods: t24 have not been exposed to the aerobics of female college students as experimental subjects, and were divided for 2 groups, control group(n = 12), the experimental group(n = 12), every week 1, 3 and 5 to 30-40 minutes of Aerobics learning, the experimental group at the end of Nike training software in 15 minutes of core muscle group in strength training and at weeks 0, 4 weeks, 8 weeks respectively for two groups of learners were tablet support and open or close their eyes balance test. Results:(1) Nike training software core muscle strength training of Aerobics beginners balance ability is greatly improved than that of the control group;(2) after 8 weeks of aerobic training, learner tablet support ability, open or close their eyes balance ability increased, but increased a little; Nike training software core muscle strength training, learner's tablet support ability, open eyes and closed eyes balance ability have greatly improved;(3) in Aerobics learning and balance ability greatly improve the need to pass through the long time of intervention to achieve the good effect.
Ability and Wisdom
Core muscle group strength
Balance ability