
气凝胶玻璃太阳辐射传递及传热简化分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Simplified Solar Radiation Transmission and Heat Transfer in Aerogel Glazing System
摘要 纳米气凝胶材料逐渐被推广和应用于节能玻璃领域,但目前的建筑模拟软件尚不具备计算气凝胶玻璃光、热、辐射传递的功能。本文建立了气凝胶玻璃的动态传热详细计算模型和太阳辐射传递详细计算模型,实验验证了模型的准确性,给出了气凝胶玻璃的K-Sc计算方法、太阳辐射传递和传热的简化计算方法模型。以长沙的气象参数作为计算条件对比分析了详细模型、简化模型及K-Sc模型在不同天气和朝向下的计算准确性,结果表明:在阴天,简化模型有较好的准确性。在晴天,比较各个朝向一天的累计室内得热量,简化模型的计算值均比详细模型偏高,在南朝向误差最大为15.4%。简化模型的准确度均优于K-Sc模型。 Nano-aerogel has been gradually popularized and applied to energy-saving windows, but it is still unable to calculate the light, heat and radiation transfer in aerogel glazing system with existing building simulation software. In this paper, we establish a detailed calculation model of dynamic heat transfer and a detailed calculation model of solar radiation transmission of aerogel glazing system, the accuracy of which has been validated by an experiment. The simplified calculation method model of K-Sc, solar radiation transmission and heat transfer of aerogel glazing system is given. Meteorological parameters of Changsha are used as calculation conditions to compare and analyze the accuracy of the detailed model, the simplified model and the K-Sc model under different weather conditions and orientations. Results show that on cloudy days, the simplified model is accurate, while on sunny days, the calculated cumulative daily indoor heat gains for the simplified model are always higher than that of the detailed model, with a maximum error of 15.4% in the south direction. Furthermore, the accuracy of the simplified model is superior to that of K-Sc model.
作者 郑东梅 陈友明 刘洋 肖亚玲 胡磊 ZHENG Dongmei;CHEN Youming;LIU Yang;XIAO Yaling;HU Lei(Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China)
机构地区 湖南大学
出处 《建筑科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期58-65,共8页 Building Science
基金 国家重点课题研发计划"建筑本体与建筑能耗耦合计算模型开发"(2017YFC0702201)
关键词 气凝胶玻璃 详细模型 简化模型 K-Sc模型 室内得热量 aerogel glazing system detailed model simplified model K-Sc model indoor heat gains
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