
海上风电场阵列式自动机位排布方法 被引量:2

Research on Auto-Layout of Wind Turbine Array for Offshore Wind Farms
摘要 海上风电场的机位布局影响风电场的发电量和经济效益。针对海上风电场布机问题,提出一种获取阵列式机位布局的自动化寻优算法。根据阵列式布局的特点,提取控制参量并遍历得到排布方案库,计算发电量,从而筛选出最佳的机位排布方案。采用该算法对实际海上风电场项目进行布机优化,结果验证了该算法的有效性和实用性。 Wind turbine layouts of offshore wind farms affects the power generation and economic benefits.Aiming at the problem of offshore wind farm layout,an automatic optimization algorithm is proposed to obtain the wind turbine array layout.Accordong to the characteristics of array layout,the control parameters are extracted and traversed to get the layout scheme library,and the power generation is calculated,so as to select the best layout scheme.The design of wind turbine layout is conducted base on an actual offshore wind farm project.It has been demonstrated that the method mentioned above is effective and practical.
作者 刘怀西 吴迪 苗得胜 LIU Huaixi;WU Di;MIAO Desheng(Ming Yang Smart Energy Group.,Ltd.,Guangdong Zhongshan 528437,China)
出处 《船舶工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第S1期423-426,444,共5页 Ship Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划重点专项项目(2018YFB1501100)
关键词 海上风电场 机位排布 优化算法 尾流效应 offshore wind farms wind turbine layouts optimization method wake deficit
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