现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)芯片需要多种电源电压供电,且对上电时序、电压上升斜率、驱动电流有一定要求。首先对比分析3种数字系统电源管理架构的优缺点,以Spartan-3 FPGA为应用平台,归纳其电源需求,分析FPGA的上电行为;然后设计出3种从属于不同数字系统电源管理架构的电源电路方案,以满足不同场景的应用需求;最后分析FPGA功耗组成,运用XPE和XPA工具计算FPGA功耗,分别从算法优化角度和资源使用效率优化进行FPGA低功耗设计,优化结果表明动态功耗减少了36 mW。
The FPGA chips need a variety of power supply voltages, and have a specific requirement of the powering time sequence, the voltage rising slope and the driven current. This article firstly compares and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of three power management architectures for digital systems, and the Spartan-3 FPGA is taken as a application platform, summarizing its power demand and analyzing its Power-on behavior; then three power supply solutions which belong to different digital system power management architectures are come up with to satisfy different applications; lastly, the power composition in FPGA is analyzed, and performing power calculation using XPE and XPA tools, then low power design is implemented respectively from algorithm optimization and efficiency optimization of resources utilization, and the optimization result shows that dynamic power consumption is reduced by 36 mW.
Wu Weiwei;Guo Gang;Wang Xiaodong(Belling Institute of Aerospace Control Devices,Belling 100039,China)
Electronic Measurement Technology