
强度石漠化区不同植被修复模式下土壤螨类群落差异 被引量:12

Differences in soil mite communities under different modes of vegetation restoration in an intense rocky desertification area,Guizhou,China
摘要 石漠化治理区不同植被修复模式下的土壤螨类群落差异反映了生态系统的恢复状况,可籍以反映石漠化治理的生态效果。2014年1月、4月、8月和10月,对贵州花江喀斯特峡谷区顶坛小流域强度石漠化区域的"花椒"、"金银花"、"花椒+金银花"3种植被修复生境的土壤螨类进行了调查,共捕获土壤螨类1372头,隶属3目55科89属。采用类群(属)数、个体数量、个体密度、多样性指数(H')、丰富度指数(SR)、均匀性指数(J)、相似性指数(CN)、捕食性螨类成熟度指数(MI)和甲螨MGP类群等参数对土壤螨类群落差异进行了表征。结果显示,花椒林拥有较丰富的螨类属,金银花林拥有较高的的个体数量和个体密度。不同模式下的科、属类群组成呈现差异;属数、个体数量存在一定的季节差异,花椒林的螨类属数、金银花林的螨类个体数量和个体密度呈现一定的表聚性;群落多样性大多存在季节差异;捕食性革螨以r选择型为主,甲螨主要为O型和M型。研究表明,强度石漠化在不同植被修复模式下,土壤螨类生物生态类群存在差异,土壤生态系统仍处于修复之中,其中螨类优势属、具有典型生物学与生态学特性差异的螨类类群对石漠化治理的生态效果具有重要的指示作用。 Differences in soil mite communities among different vegetation restoration modes under rocky desertification control reflect the ecosystem restoration status and ecological effects of different rocky desertification control strategies. During January, April, August, and October 2014, a total of 1372 soil mites belonging to 3 orders, 55 families, and 89 genera were captured from three kinds of vegetation restoration habitats, Chinese prickly ash ( Zanthoxylum planispinum var. dingtanensis), honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica ), and Chinese prickly ash + honeysuckle, in an intense rocky desertification area in the Dingtan small watershed in Huajiang Karst canyon, Guizhou Province. The number of genera, number of individuals, individual density, diversity index, richness index, evenness index, similarity index, maturity index, and oribatid mite community structure analysis were used to characterize the differences among soil mite communities. The results showed that the mite genera of Chinese prickly ash forest were rich, the individual mite number and density in the honeysuckle forest were high, and the composition of families and genera were different among the three restoration modes. The genera numbers and individual numbers were different at each sampling time; in particular, the number of mite genera in Chinese prickly ash forests and the individual mite number and density in honeysuckle forests showed surface-aggregations. The community diversity showed seasonal differences. Predatory mites (Gamasina) were rselected, whereas oribatid mites were mainly O and M-type. In conclusion, the bio-ecological groups of soil mites were different among different modes of vegetation restoration, and the soil ecosystem of the investigated area was still in the restoration process. Meanwhile, the dominant genera of soil mites and groups of typical biological and ecological characteristics could indicate the effect of ecological restoration in rocky desertification control.
作者 陈浒 金道超 陈航 王鹏举 周政 林丹丹 CHEN Hu;JIN Daochao;CHEN Hang;WANG Pengju;ZHOU Zheng;LIN Dandan(Institute Entomology Guozhou University;The Provincial Special Key Laboratory for Development and Utilization of Insect Resources,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China;2.School of Karst Science,Guizhou Normal University/State Engineering Technology Institute for Karst Rocky Desertification Contro;The State Key Laboratory Incubation Base for Karst Mountain Ecology Environment of Guizhou Province,Guiyang 550001,China)
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第19期7045-7056,共12页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家重点研发计划课题(2016YFC0502601) 贵州省科技创新人才团队项目(20144001) 农业昆虫与害虫防治贵州省研究生卓越人才计划(2013-010) 国家重点科技支撑计划课题(2011BAC09B01)
关键词 土壤螨类 群落差异 生态修复 强度石漠化 soil mites community difference ecological restoration intense rocky desertification
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