4California Department of Education. English Language Arts Content Standards for Public Schools ( K - 12 ) [ S]. 2009. 6 -75.
5Education Department of Western Australia. Curriculum Framework Learning Statement for English[EB/OL]. http:// www. curriculum, wa. edu. au/internet/Years K10/Curricu lum Framework/2010- 10- 10.
6Government of Alberta Education. English Language Arts (10 -12) [S]. 2000.2-3.
7John S. Kendall,Jennifer S. Norford,Christina E. Snyder. Exemplary English Language Arts Standards among the seven states in the central region[R]. Report of Midcontinent Re- search for Education and Learning ,2001.2-17.
8Department of Education and Training. NT Curriculum Framework of English Learning Areal[S]. 2009.2-4.
9Department for Education(UK). Framework guidance for secndary English[S]. 2010.2-4.
10Department of Education (Newfoundland). English Language Arts Curriculum( 10- 12) [S]. 2001.35- 39.