
乳酸、乙酸、硼酸抑制嗜酸乳酸杆菌阴道加德纳菌生长和生物被膜形成 被引量:3

Lactic acid acetic acid boric acid inhibiting L. acidophilus and G. vaginalis growth and biofilm formation
摘要 目的探讨乳酸、乙酸、硼酸对嗜酸乳酸杆菌阴道加德纳菌生长及生物被膜形成抑制作用,为细菌性阴道病治疗失败原因分析提供依据。方法嗜酸乳酸杆菌阴道加德纳菌1从健康育龄妇女阴道分泌物中分离,阴道加德纳菌2、3从细菌性阴道病及复发性细菌性阴道病患者阴道分泌物中分离。检测经1. 00%、0. 10%、0. 01%乳酸、乙酸、硼酸作用后的4株菌生长及生物被膜抑制情况。结果 1. 00%的乳酸、乙酸、硼酸及0. 10%的乙酸作用后,3株G. vaginalis、L. acidophilus吸光度均明显降低,但浓度降至0. 01%时吸光度变化幅度不大。乙酸、硼酸浓度降至0. 01%时对L. acidophilus的抑制作用较弱,乳酸浓度降至0. 10%时就几乎完全失去抑制作用。1. 00%的乳酸和硼酸、1. 00%和0. 10%的乙酸均可较强地抑制3株G. vaginalis的生长,抑制率多> 30%。结论乳酸、乙酸、硼酸均可浓度依赖性抑制嗜酸乳酸杆菌和阴道加德纳菌生长和生物被膜形成,其中乙酸能力最强。复发性细菌性阴道病患者久治不愈与细菌生物持续存在和对乳酸耐受有关。 Objective To evaluate the inhibition of lactic acid acetic acid and boric acid on growth and biofilm formation of L. acidophilus and G. vaginalis, in order to provide basis for BV occurrence and treatment failure. Methods L. acidophilus and G. vagirtalis 1 obtained from healthy woman and G. vaginalis 2, G. vaginalis 3 obtained from BV and RBV patients were treated with lactic acid acetic acid and boric acid whose concentration was 1.00% , 0.10% and 0.01% respectively. Inhibition ratio of growth and biofilm formation were analyzed. Results After the adoption of 1.00% lactic acid, acetic acid, boric acid and 0.10% acetic acid, the absorbances of three G. vaginalis and L. acidophilus were significantly decreased, but the absorbance decreased little when the concentration was reduced to 0.01%. When the concentration of acetic acid and boric acid decreased to 0. 01% , the inhibitory effect on L. acidophilus was weak. When the concentration of lactic acid decreased to 0. 10% , the inhibition was almost completely lost. 1.00% lactic acid and boric acid, 1.00% and 0.10% acetic acid can strongly inhibit the growth of 3 G. vaginalis, and the inhibition rate was more than 30%. Conclusion Growth and biofilm formation of L. acidophilus and G. vaginalis 1, 2, 3 were suppressed by lactic acid acetic acid and boric acid on concentration dependence. Acetic acid inhibition ability was stronger than lactic acid and boric acid lactic acid tolerance. The long - term treatment of patients with recurrent bacterial vaginosis is associated with the persistence of bacterial organisms and tolerance to lactate.
作者 李桂军 周建娟 LI Gui-jun;ZHOU Jian-juan(Clinical Laboratory,Jiaxing Maternal and Child Health-care Hospital,Jiaxing,Zhejiang 314000,China)
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2018年第20期2433-2437,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
基金 嘉兴市科技局计划项目(2016AY23061)
关键词 嗜酸乳酸杆菌 阴道加德纳菌 乳酸 乙酸 硼酸 生物被膜 L. acidophilus G. vaginalis Lactic acid Acetic acid Boric acid Biofilm
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