
中美贸易摩擦对双方LNG贸易中长期合作的影响 被引量:4

The mutual impact for medium-to-long-term LNG trade cooperation under Sino-US trade tension
摘要 当前,美国中长期LNG资源在全球主要天然气市场的销售存在诸多局限。中国作为全球天然气需求量增长最快的国家,是美国中长期LNG资源的主要潜在买家。受当前中美贸易紧张形势的影响,中长期中美LNG贸易合作具有不确定性。若两国贸易摩擦缓解,双方在LNG贸易领域扩大合作,有助于满足中国天然气需求,实现进口来源多元化,也有助于美国扩大投资和就业,化解天然气富余产能;若两国贸易摩擦持续过久,中美两国将错过中长期LNG贸易合作窗口期。中美两国在天然气领域互补性强,稳定的政策和贸易环境是双方开展LNG贸易合作的重要条件。 At present, there are many constraints in the sales of medium-to-long-term US LNG resources to major global LNG markets. China, as the fastest growing country for natural gas demand, could be the main potential buyer of US LNG. Aff ected by the current Sino-US trade tension, the prospect of the LNG trade cooperation between two countries is keeping uncertain. If the Sino-US trade tension eases in short term, the two sides could expand cooperation in LNG industry, which will not only help China to meet the demand for natural gas and diversify LNG supply sources, but also help the United States to enlarge LNG and natural gas investment and job opportunities as well as absorb its domestic spare natural gas production capacity. If it lasts too long, China and the United States would miss the window period of medium-to-longterm LNG trade cooperation. Stable policy and trade environment are important conditions for implementing LNG trade cooperation between China and the United States.
作者 郑洪弢 马俊 金羽翔 ZHENG Hongtao;MA Jun;JIN Yuxiang(CNOOC Gas and Power Group Ltd)
出处 《国际石油经济》 2018年第9期1-5,共5页 International Petroleum Economics
关键词 液化天然气 贸易 中美贸易摩擦 市场分析 情景分析 国际合作 LNG LNG trade Sino-US trade tension market analysis scenario analysis international cooperation I
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