
面部自体脂肪移植术中并发急性脑梗死二例 被引量:2

Cerebral infarction following facial autologous fat transplantation: report of two cases
摘要 面部自体脂肪移植术是一种常见的整形美容技术.尽管该手术被认为相对安全,但也有文献报道术中因脂肪微粒误注入血管而致急性脑梗死.我们报道2例面部自体脂肪移植术中并发急性脑梗死病例:1例患者因脂肪栓塞右侧颈内动脉而致大面积脑梗死,最终死于卒中相关并发症;另1例患者术中并发急性脑梗死及眼动脉栓塞而遗留单眼永久性失明.因此,面部自体脂肪移植术中患者出现突发意识改变、偏瘫、单眼失明等表现时应警惕并发急性脑梗死可能。 Facial autologous fat transplantation is a common aesthetic procedure.Although this procedure is generally regarded as safe,several patients have experienced acute cerebral infarction after fat particles were incorrectly injected into the blood vessel.We report two cases of cerebral infarction following facial autologous fat transplantation:one patient suffered massive cerebral infarction due to the occlusion of internal carotid artery by fat embolus and died of stroke related complication,the other young women experienced acute ischemic stroke and ophthalmic artery embolism during this procedure and remained permanent blindness of right eye.Therefore,when a patient presents abrupt mental change,hemiplegia,blindness during autologous fat particle injection,doctors must consider the complication of cerebral infarction.
作者 计仁杰 徐子奇 罗本燕 Ji Renjie;Xu Ziqi;Luo Benyan(Department of Neurology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310003,China)
出处 《中华神经科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期836-838,共3页 Chinese Journal of Neurology
关键词 卒中 栓塞 脂肪 面部 Stroke Embolism fat Face
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