
嵌入式训练并行仿真系统设计 被引量:1

Design of Parallel Simulation for Embedded Training
摘要 嵌入式训练是一种全新的训练模式,已成为提升部队战斗力的最重要训练手段之一。介绍了新一代嵌入式训练的基本原理和主要特征,针对训练系统综合化、实时仿真和重复使用的要求,结合多核、众核处理器和大规模集成电路应用趋势,提出了一种以Power PC+多DSP为核心的并行仿真系统设计方法,重点讨论了仿真系统的系统结构设计,同时对仿真系统的数据与任务综合管理、并行弹道仿真和算法功能重构等关键技术进行了较详尽的总结。实践结果表明,训练系统可以显著提高飞行员空中使用武器的训练效果,是该领域训练方式的重要发展方向。 Embedded training is a training mode of military training,and has become one of the most important training methods to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops.Aiming at a the comprehensive training system new embedded training method and major characteristics,the requirements of real time simulation and reuse the combined with reutilization,multi core and ASIC application trend,proposed a parallel method base on PowerPC+ DSP as the system center,selective discusses the system structure,summarize experience of parallel date and task parallel trajectory emulation,critical technology of the algorithm reconstitution.The training results show the availability of the embedded training system,and become a new technique trend.
作者 刘硕 LIU Shuo(Xi′an Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute,AVIC,Xi′an 710068,China)
出处 《航空计算技术》 2018年第5期218-221,224,共5页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
基金 航空科学基金项目资助(2017ZC31008 2014ZC31004)
关键词 嵌入式训练 综合化 实时仿真 功能重构 embedded training integrated real time training reconstitution
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