

Study on the Occurrence State of Copper in Copper Smelting Slag with Direct Current
摘要 通过矿相显微镜、扫描电镜和化学物相分析,本文对铜熔炼渣与直流电贫化渣中铜的赋存状态进行研究。结果表明,铜熔炼渣与直流电贫化渣均主要由四种物相组成,即冰铜相、铁酸盐相、钙铁橄榄石相和玻璃相;铜熔炼渣中大多数冰铜粒径大于30μm;直流电贫化渣中冰铜粒子明显减少,冰铜粒径明显减小,绝大多数冰铜粒径均小于10μm,即在直流电作用下大多数冰铜液滴已与铜熔炼渣分离。两种渣中铜均主要以硫化铜形态赋存,少量铜存在硅酸盐相中,以氧化铜形态赋存的铜很少。 Through the ore microscope, SEM, chemical phase, the occurrence state of copper in copper smelting slag and direct current(DC) diluted slag was studied. The results showed that the copper smelting slag and the DC diluted slag are mainly composed of four phases, including the matte phase, the ferrite phase, the kirschsteinite phase and the glass phase. Most of the matte particles in the smelting slag have a particle size greater than 30 μm.The matte particles in the DC diluted slag are significanfly decreased, and the particle size is significantly reduced. The vast majority of matte particles are smaller than 10 μm. That indicates most of matte droplets have been separated from the copper smelting slag under direct current. The copper in two kinds of slag is mainly in the form of copper sulphide. A small amount of copper is present in silicate phase, and there is little copper in the form of copper oxide.
作者 韦其晋 袁朝新 汤集刚 余群波 Wei Qijin;Yuan Chaoxin;Tang Jigang;Yu Qunbo(BGRIMM Technology Group,Beijing 100160,China)
出处 《中国资源综合利用》 2018年第10期35-39,44,共6页 China Resources Comprehensive Utilization
关键词 直流电 铜熔炼渣 贫化渣 赋存状态 冰铜粒子 direct current copper smelting slag diluted slag occurrence state matte particles
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