
羌族民间工艺生产性示范基地的构建——以灾后羌族传统村落之汶川县萝卜寨为例 被引量:4

The Construction of a Demonstration Base for the Production of Qiang Folk Art——Taking Luobu Village of Wenchuan,A Post-disaster Traditional Qiang Village,as a Case Study
摘要 本文以灾后羌族传统村落汶川县萝卜寨为例探索汶川羌族民间工艺文化的民俗性、工艺特征、发展现状,并结合当前我国非物质文化遗产保护策略,有针对性地对汶川羌族民族民间工艺的传承发展提出有建设性的研究方案:以生产性示范基地的构建来促进其传统工艺的传承、开发利用。从生产性保护实践示范基地的构建,反思非遗生产性保护中从消费、传承人、产品本身存在的不可逾越的难题。尽管生产性保护仅仅只能保护非遗的部分元素,仍然需要充分发挥政府的调控功能,通过提升专业水平和民众文化自觉以及市场对于高端艺术品的尊重来实现对民族工艺类非遗核心技艺的传承和保护。 bThe folk crafts of the Qiang inWenchuan county have developed for nearly athousandyears. However,up to now,there are nolargescale cultural industries with local characteristics. In addition,the social influence of theircrafts is minimal. This is because people do notpay attention to their crafts;there is insufficientbrand building and product innovation;and thereis a lack of industrialization. Therefore,it is urgent to conduct a scientifically innovative and reasonable transmission of Qiang traditional crafts,establish a base for sustainable development and protection,build influential Qiang folk art villages,and promote the development of Qiang folk craftcultural industries in Wenchuan county. By takingLuobo village,a traditional Qiang village in Wenchuan county as a case study,this paper tries toexplore the folk aspects,craft characteristics andstate of development of Qiang folk crafts in Wenchuan,and recommend a constructive researchplan for the transmission and development of theQiang folk craft in Wenchuan,a plan that is inline with the current intangible cultural heritage( ICH)protection strategy of China. In terms ofconstructing a demonstration base for Qiang folkcraft production in Luobu village,the followingsuggestions are proposed:1. Construct a protection model for the production of Qiang folk craftsBy improving the protection model for the production of ethnic crafts and ICH,not only will theauthenticity,integrity and continuity of the cultural heritage of ethnic crafts be maintained,but alsoICH and its related resources will be transformedinto cultural products in the process of productionby the means of production,circulation,sales,and experience.2. Strengthen the protection of the cultural ecology of traditional Luobu village and construct afolk artcraft village Luobu village should be turned into a production base for protecting Qiang crafts;the originalspatial function and overall pattern of the villageshould be maintained;the village and its surrounding landscape should be restored;and the publicfacilities,water circulation system,and religiousfacilities of the village should be improved. At thesame time,various Qiang folk crafts should be revived in the village so that the ICH of the Qiangcould be protected in a living state,and,in thisway,an important protected base of productioncould be formed.3. The construction of the protected base ofproduction should respect the villagers rights andinterests,and meet the needs of ethnic culturaltransmission.The construction of the protected base of production is a systematic project. So,the relationship between the government,experts and villagersmust be balanced. And,in line with the principleof “ government leading,experts participating andvillagers benefiting” ,we must attach great importance to the villagers wishes and choices,restorethe cultural ecology of traditional folk crafts,and maintain the traditional culture so as to avoid a final disappearance of the base.Turning Luobu village into a “ folk art villagewith characteristic of Qiang”in Wenchuan countyshould include the following:Qiang embroideryskills,Qiang medicine,Qiang incense makingtechniques,Qiang pastry making methods,methods of making Qiang brocade,and Qiang silverjewelry forging skills. It should place emphasis onthe transmission,protection,integration and development of traditional Qiang culture and crafts,andserve as an integrated shop and protected base ofproduction which integrates production,training,cultural display,experience,innovative culturalproducts and the sales of Qiang folk crafts. Itshould not only generate economic benefits for thelocal government and villagers,but also promotethe development of related industries,turning ICHinto a protected actively within the practice of production. Only then will a benign interaction between the protection of ICH and the coordinateddevelopment of an economic society be realized,and a local road suitable for the innovation and development of the traditional folk craft of contemporary Qiang in Aba prefecture be constructed.
作者 曾俊华 侯小锋 周莉 Zeng Junhua;Hou Xiaofeng;Zhou Li(Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan China;Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650500,Yunnan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期84-89,125,126,共8页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家艺术基金"羌族民族民间工艺与当代羌族地区旅游产品设计人才培养"(项目编号:20155083)阶段性成果 西南民族大学青年教师基金项目"摄影视阈下的羌族建筑"西南民族大学青年教师基金项目(项目编号:2016SZYQN57)阶段性成果 四川省教育厅项目:阿坝州特色村落建设与民族手工艺生产保护发展研究阶段性成果
关键词 汶川县萝卜寨 羌族民间工艺 生产性示范基地 Wenchuan county Luobu village Qiang folk handcraft demonstration base for production construction
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