

The Configuration of the Temple Drum and Its Meaning for Dai/Shan Ethnic Groups in China and Myanmar
摘要 跨界而居的中缅傣掸族群,共同的宗教信仰使得他们的生活构成了以各种仪式作为日常生活节奏的趋同性。文章以田野的感性材料为依托、以傣掸族群的仪式语境为发端,就佛寺大鼓的形制特征及其分布情况进行了"知识考古"意义上的跨界考察与多元描述,进而将佛寺大鼓置于乐器(法器)的视角,对其音声特征、制度安排、心理隐喻对信众产生的精神感召进行了音乐文化学意义上的解读,意在说明,作为一种制度性的表述起点,在特定的时间与空间,大鼓敲奏的声音已不是自在的情景,而是可供阐释的人文叙事,其与"文化持有者"日常生活的内容、程序、结构都存在着一种心理契合与呼应关系,表现出特定的音响对仪式规约的有效性和稳定性,它预示着,通过鼓声,民众的期盼将获得与超自然力量的沟通、民众的景愿来年将获得实现。 The transborder based Dai/Shan ethnic groups in China and Myanmar have the same religious beliefs that give rise to the convergence of various rituals in their everyday life. Based on first hand fieldwork, this paper describes the context of Dai/Shan ethnic groups' rituals, investigates the specification and distribution of temple drums, and con ducts cross border investigations and multi angle description using"knowledge archaeolo gy".Furthermore, as a musical instrument (and a ritual instrument) ,the temple drum has spiritual impact on believers from the perspective of its sound, institution and as a psy chological metaphor. This paper aims to indicate that as an institution,the sound of the drum beat in a specific time and space is not just a scene, but a human narrative which can be interpreted.It psychologically fits and echoes the content, process and structure in the everyday life of the"cultural bearer"and demonstrates the effectiveness and stability of a specific acoustic ritual protocol.This indicates that through the sound of drums, the Dai/ Shan people's expectations will be communicated with the supernatural forces, and their vision will be realised in the coming year.
作者 申波 SHEN Bo
机构地区 云南艺术学院
出处 《音乐文化研究》 2018年第3期33-42,共10页 Music Culture Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金(艺术学)项目<云南跨界民族鼓乐文化研究>阶段性成果(项目编号:17BD069)
关键词 佛寺大鼓 符号标识 文化经验 心理抚慰 Temple Drum Symbolic Identification Cultural Experience Psychological Comfort
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