
《金色笔记》中的异化空间与自我困境 被引量:3

The Space of Alienation and Troubled Self in The Golden Notebook
摘要 《金色笔记》是诺贝尔文学奖得主多丽丝·莱辛空间特征显著的代表作品。本文从工作空间、政治空间和私人空间三个层面解读了小说呈现的二十世纪中期的日常生活空间及其对个体自我的破坏性影响:工作空间为符码操控造成个体自我严重分裂,政治空间极为荒诞使个体处处身不由己,而代表私人空间的自由女性公寓只有在主人公的梦和崩溃中才显示出"治愈潜能"。本文认为《金色笔记》中的日常生活空间是全面、高度异化的空间,它导致个体自我深陷困境,莱辛也由此深刻批判了西方现代社会并尝试着探讨构建超越异化空间、实现自我完整的个人空间的途径。 The Golden Notebook is a masterpiece saturated with Doris Lessing's strong awareness of space. It depicts the space of alienation of modern everyday life, namely, the work space, political domain and the private place represented by the flat, in relation with the troubled individual self. The work space is dominated by symbol consumption and the individuals suffer from severe self-division; the political domain is characterized by omnipresent absurdity and the individuals are plagued with a sense of passivity "in spite of oneself". The flat evolves into a space with "healing potential" only through dreams and crack-ups, whereby Anna breaks through the false dichotomies and achieves the reunification of the self. The space of modern everyday life in The Golden Notebook is a thoroughly and profoundly alienated space, wherein the individual's self is trapped in trouble. By presenting the space of alienation and the troubled self, Lessing critically reflects on the modern Western world with an attempt to arouse people's awareness of transcending alienation and achieving the wholeness of self.
作者 姜仁凤 Jiang Renfeng(Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Financ)
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期144-151,共8页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
关键词 多丽丝·莱辛 《金色笔记》 空间 自我 异化 困境 Doris Lessing The Golden Notebook space self alienation
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  • 1Chennells, Anthony. "From Bildungsroman to Family Saga. " Partisan Review. 69.2 (Spring 2002) : 291-301.
  • 2西格蒙德·弗洛伊德.《精神分析导论讲演》,周泉等译,北京:国际文化出版公司,2000年.
  • 3Greene, Gayle. Doris Lessing: The Poetics of Change. Ann Arbor: The U of Michigan P, 1994.
  • 4Johnson, Sally Hickerson. Form and Philosophy in the Novels of Doris Lessing. Diss. The University of Connecticut. Xerox University Microfilms, 1977.
  • 5Jouve, Nicole Ward. "Of Mud and Other Matter: The Children of Violence. " Notebooks/Memoirs/Archives: Reading and Rereading Doris Lessing. Ed. Jenny Taylor. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. , 1982.
  • 6Lessing, Doris. The Grass is Singing(GS) . London: Michael Joseph Ltd. , 1950.
  • 7Lessing, Doris. The Golden Notebook ( GN) . Herts : Panther, 1973.
  • 8Lessing, Doris. Martha Quest (MQ) . New York: New American Library, 1970.
  • 9Lessing, Doris. A Proper Marriage (PM) . London: Flamingo, 1993.
  • 10Lessing, Doris. A Ripple from the Storm (RS) . London: Flamingo, 1993.











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