
落叶松人工林土壤对红皮云杉和青海云杉幼苗生长的影响 被引量:7

Effects of soil in larch plantations on the growth of Picea koraiensis and P. crassifolia seedlings
摘要 落叶松人工林除地力衰退问题外,林内天然更新也较差,其健康发展和可持续经营面临挑战.以红皮云杉和青海云杉2种耐荫针叶树种为对象进行温室灭菌盆栽试验,研究除树种生物学特性外,2种云杉属植物幼苗生长对落叶松人工林土壤灭菌处理的响应,为落叶松人工林改造、更新和复层林培育提供科学依据.结果表明:土壤灭菌对红皮云杉和青海云杉幼苗的生物量均没有显著影响,且无论是在未灭菌土壤中还是在灭菌土壤中,红皮云杉幼苗的生物量(分别为75.6和72.2 mg)均显著高于青海云杉(分别为55.6和60.0 mg).红皮云杉的1级根直径、皮层厚度、维管束直径和维根比均不受土壤灭菌的影响,而青海云杉除皮层厚度在灭菌后没有显著变化外,其1级根直径、维管束直径和维根比在灭菌土壤(分别为331.30μm、143.23μm和43.3%)显著高于未灭菌土壤(276.50μm、99.35μm和36.0%),在灭菌土壤中表现出更积极的响应.这表明在落叶松林地内红皮云杉有更好的适应能力.由于在微生物群落功能中占主导地位的外生菌根对病原菌的拮抗作用,2种云杉属植物幼苗均可逃逸落叶松林地积累的土壤病原菌并正常生长,红皮云杉比青海云杉更具生长优势. In addition to soil fertility decline,larch plantation had difficulty in natural regeneration,which challenges the healthy development and sustainable management. A greenhouse experiment was conducted with two kinds of shade-tolerant conifer species( Picea koraiensis and P. crassifolia)to examine the responses of seedling growth of two spruce species on sterilization treatment of larch plantation soils( except spruce biological characteristics),which would provide scientific basis for the transformation,regeneration and multi-storied forest cultivation of larch. The results showed that soil sterilization did not significantly affect the biomass of P. koraiensis and P. crassifolia seedlings.The biomass of P. koraiensis( 75.6 and 72.2 mg,respectively) was significantly higher than that of P. crassifolia( 55.6 and 60. 0 mg,respectively) in both unsterilized and sterilized soils. The root diameter,cortical thickness,stele diameter and stele to root diameter ratio of the first-order roots of P. koraiensis were not affected by soil sterilization. In contrast,the root diameter,stele diameter and stele to root diameter ratio of the first-order roots except cortical thickness of P. crassifolia in sterilized soil( 331.30 μm,143.23 μm and 43.3%,respectively) were significantly higher than those in unsterilized soil( 276.50 μm,99.35 μm and 36.0%),showing a more positive response to sterilized soil. It indicated that P. koraiensis had better adaptability in larch plantation. Because the microbial community function was dominated by ectomycorrhiza which displayed some antagonisms for soil pathogen,seedlings of two spruce species could escape from soil pathogens accumulated in larch plantation and grow normally,with P. koraiensis having more advantages than the P. crassifolia.
作者 董慧 杨立学 DONG Hui;YANG Li-xue(School of Forestry,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China)
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期3199-3205,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 中央高校基本科研基金项目(2572016EAJ1) 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0601204)资助~~
关键词 云杉 土壤灭菌 生物量 菌根侵染 spruce soil sterilization biomass ectomycorrhizal colonization
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