
北京市某艺术类大学新生艾滋病知晓情况调查 被引量:5

Investigation on knowledge of HIV/AIDS among freshmen at an art university in Beijing
摘要 目的了解北京市某艺术类大学新入学大学生艾滋病相关知识的掌握程度、获得艾滋病相关知识的途径和希望获得知识的途径等情况,为有针对性的在高中学生和新入学大学生中开展艾滋病健康教育提供依据。方法以北京市某艺术类大学2016级新入学大学生共1 884人作为调查对象,进行匿名自填式问卷调查。结果青年学生艾滋病知识问题知晓率为85.3%,全部回答正确率为32.0%;知晓率最高的问题是发生高危行为后需要主动咨询检测,为96.3%;知晓率最低的问题是我国青年学校中艾滋病流行情况,为56.2%。学生希望通过报纸书籍、电视宣传和学校老师讲解等途径获得艾滋病相关知识。29.8%的父母讲解过艾滋病知识;6.3%的男生有同性恋或双性恋取向;5.2%的学生有过性行为;14.1%的男生有过性行为;每次性行为均使用安全套的比率43.9%。有18人接触过毒品。对艾滋病患者态度选择不共用东西的比例为34.3%,表示同情的比例为49.7%,尽量给予帮助的比例为68.3%。结论新入学大学生艾滋病基本知识知晓情况较好,但对高校内艾滋病流行情况及传播途径深意了解不足;学生希望通过老师讲解、主流媒体宣传和书籍等规范途径获得艾滋病等性健康教育知识;学校教育与家庭教育应共同参与艾滋病防控知识、性健康教育及毒品安全教育。 [Objective]To understand the knowledge level of HIV/AIDS among freshmen at an art university in Beijing,know their ways to acquire knowledge on HIV/AIDS and the way to hope to acquire knowledge,provide a basis for the development of targeted HIV/AIDS health education among high school students and freshmen.[Methods]An anonymous self-filling questionnaire survey was conducted on 1 884 new students enrolled at an art university in Beijing in 2016.[Results]The awareness rate of AIDS knowledge among young students was 85.3%,and the correct rate of all answers was 32.0%. The problem with the highest awareness rate was the need for active counseling and testing after high-risk behavior(96.3%). The problem with the lowest awareness rate was the prevalence of AIDS in young students in China(56. 2 %). Students hope to gain knowledge about AIDS through newspapers,books,television and lectures by school teachers. 29.8% of parents spoke about AIDS. 6.3% of boys have homosexual or bisexual orientation. 5.2% of students have had sex and 14.1 % of boys have had sex. The rate of condom use in each sexual practice was 43.9%. 18 students have been exposed to drugs. For the attitudes towards people living with HIV,34.3%of students chose not to share things,49.7% expressed sympathy and 68.3% would try to help them.[Conclusion]The awareness rate of AIDS knowledge among freshmen at university is satisfactory,but the students are short in understanding of prevalence of AIDS in university and its transmission routes. Students hope to gain knowledge of sexual health education such as AIDS through teaching,mainstream media and books. School education and family education should participate in AIDS prevention and control education,sexual health education and drug safety education.
作者 高彦杰 王丽娟 丁海峰 宋亮 姜树林 GAO Yan-jie;WANG Li-juan;DING Hai-feng;SONG Liang;JIANG Shu-lin(STD and AIDS Control Division,Chaoyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing,100021,China)
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2018年第20期2819-2822,共4页 Occupation and Health
基金 北京市朝阳区科学技术委员会社会发展计划(CYSF1626)
关键词 艾滋病 途径 知晓率 态度 大学生 AIDS Way Awareness rate Attitude University student
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